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[[TonysMacJournal Jan07]]
#REDIRECT [[User:Tonyr/Journal]]
[[TonysMacJournal Feb07]]
The flakey G3 B&W tower problem turned out to be a bad system board, solved by replacement.  The bad board went into the cannibalized system, which was tagged and put back on the Mac Pile.  The SCSI G3 B&W tower was bundled with a 17" Apple Studio display, speakers, and an external floppy and sent to the store with a price of $100. As it happened, a customer in the store bought it right away.  I talked a little about pricing earlier ([[#6jan07]]).  It seems to me that there is a general price guide shaping up.  I would suggest that there is a standard base configuration for a slot loader iMac, and a standard base configuration for a tower, each with a standard price.  Then there would be a standard schedule for price variations based on differences in HD type/size, memory size, CD/DVD type, processor speed, and bundle configuration.  We seem to be accumulating 17" Apple Studio Displays, which go on ebay for about $20.  Since Ubuntu installation detects monitor type and configures xorg acccordingly,  a question arises what the guidelines should be for monitor configuration during Ubuntu installation on towers.  The information about xorg/monitor assumptions should be published for customers.
Ubuntu installation in MacRebuild should be via network, as it is in PC build.  That means that the MacBuild area should have network cabling for however many build seats there will be in the new MacRebuild area. The build servers will need to have Ubuntu-ppc support, and the process for ppc netboot will need to be documented. I'm working on that.
''Network install''<br>
I haven't been able to establish that network install on Ubuntu 7.04 works for powerpc.  That is not to say that it doesn't, I just haven't been able to discover whether 1) it is possible at all, and 2) if it is possible, just ow in the heck it is spoze to work.  The 7.04 netboot files fail to do ramdisk (initrd) loading, and I haven't looked at dapper yet (the netboot files appear to be the same set in 6.10dapper an 7.04feisty). Feisty may not be a good example since it is still in alpha.  Using the boot files from the feisty alternate cd as a starting place, configuring a tftp server and using booting an iMac using enet: in OpenFirmware actually gets the install started, but it gets confused when there is no CD in the drive.  The yaboot.conf file has a comment that says something like "This is for CD install only, and should not be used as a general example", so I'm not really surprised that it doesn't work.  There is another approach using package tftfd-hpa instead of tftpd, and having the host be a server for dhcp, tftp and http, and access the alternate cd files via http. Maybe I'll give that a shot.
''hda/hdc device assignment swap on B&W G3''<br>
There is a known (in the ubuntu community) issue about storage devices being discovered in a different order on B&W G3 powermacs.  The main symptom is that the CD-ROM device is assigned as hda, and the hard drive is assigned as hdc.  This is documented at the ubuntu bug site, Launchpad, as [https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initrd-tools/+bug/7256 bug number 7256].  The problem is related to the order in which modules are loaded at install time.  The solution is to modify the installed initrd image. I'm not sure that is something that we want to do, since it requires some advanced linux admin/hacking knowledge, is non-standard with respect to build process, and would re-appear if a customer were to try to re-install Ubuntu.  It also seems to affect the ability of OpenFirmware to boot the CD from the keyboard with the C key, althoug I'm not convinced at this point that this is a related phenomenon.  (There are some comments in related  bugs at Launchpad that indicate that sometimes the USB mouse and keyboard do not appear to be working.) I'm more inclined to reject these from MacBuild.
''hda/hdc device assignment swap on B&W G3''<br>
There is a second B&W G3 tower now on the bench, that also assigns the CD as hda and the hard drive as hdc, but this one boots the CD just fine.  So what is the CD boot problem with the other one ([[#6feb07]])?  Meanwhile the suspect tower is being used as a HD wipe and memory test station.
''Duplicating Ubuntu/PPC hard drives''<br>
There was a discussion today (and yesterday) in the Mac corner about duplicating Ubuntu hard drives for the Macs instead of doing a CD based installation every time. Martin and Jeff talked about setting up a network install via DHCP/TFTP.  Dave and Matteo talked about duplicating a standard installation hard drive.  Today Matteo and Loren were working on a manual process for doing that. Here is my take on that process.
The source hd cannot be the booted drive, because several many files will be open and active.  A rescue CD booted from the CD drive will do.  That way both the source and target hard drives can be passively mounted.
The source and target drives are almost guaranteed to be different (mfg and/or size), so a straight cloning is out of the question.  That means either creating the partition table manually, or using the  alternate install CD in (in expert mode?) to partition the hard drive.
The powerpc install process creates four partitions:
# a partition table partition
# a boot partition
# a Linux partition (for the OS)
# a swap partition
The size of the partition table and the size of the boot partition are the same no matter what the size
of the hard drive.  The swap partition size is based on the size of installed memory.  For a standard memory  configuration the size of the swap partition will always be the same.  The size of the linux partition can be calculated as
* DiskSize - (PartitionTableSize + BootPartitionSize + SwapPartitionSize)
It is probably easiest to let the alternate install CD do the partitioning.  If the duplication process is going to be automated, the Linux and Swap partition sizes will need to be calculated.
Matteo rightly pointed out that if the swap partition were created before the linux native partition, then
the calculation step would not be needed.
Manual creation of the partitions can be accomplished with '''fdisk''', which should be available on any rescue CD.  The ppc version of fdisk has specific commands for creating the partition table and boot partition.
The Linux and Swap partitions are both created as standard linux partitions.
Once the partitions are created on the target drive, the duplication process is fairly straightforward:
# create an ext3 filesystem on the Linux partition using '''mke2fs -J'''
# create a mount directory for the linux partition of target drive in the /mnt directory; a mount directory for the source drive should already exist.
# mount the source and target linux partitions on the appropriate mount points in /mnt
# use 'dd' to copy the boot partition directly
# use rsync to copy the installed linux partition to the target drive linux partition
There is one possible problem with this duplication process that must be corrected by hand.  On most Macs the hard drive is assigned as device '''hda''' and the CD drive is assigned as '''hdc'''; on some, particularly B&W G3 towers, the assignment is reversed.  This assignment is used in /etc/fstab to define mount points.  The '''fstab''' file on the duplicated hard drive must match the actual device assignments on the machine into which it is placed.  Either different source drives must be created, one for each of the possible device assignment combinations, or a duplicated hard drive may need to have its '''/etc/fstab''' file modified to match
the target machine.
Here are the steps we used today to replicate a powerpc linux-installed hard drive to a wiped hard drive in a  G# B&W tower.  Note that in this exercise, the hard drives are recognized as hdc(master) and hdd(slave).
# jumper the source drive as master; jumper the target drive as slave.
# boot from '''finnix''' CD
# create the partitions on the target disk using '''fdisk /dev/hdd'''
## '''i''' command to create/initialize that partition map
## '''C''' command to create a boot partition: start=64, length=1954, type=Apple_Bootstrap, name=untitled
##* (yes, capital C)
## '''c''' command to create a linux  partition: start=2018, length=(freespace - 1494839), name=untitled
## '''c''' command to create a linux swap partition: start=2018+linuxPartitionLength), length=1494839, name=swap
## '''w''' command to write the partition table to the hard drive
## '''q''' command to quit '''fdisk'''
# create an ext3 file system on the linux partition
#* mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdd3
# create a mount directory hdd3 in /mnt (directory hdc3 should already exist there)
#* mkdir /mnt/hdd3
# mount the source and target linux partitions
#* mount -t ext3 /dev/hdc3 /mnt/hdc3
#* mount -t ext3 /dev/hdd3 /mnt/hdd3
# copy the boot partition using '''dd''' (see [[#10feb07]])
#* dd if=/dev/hdc2 /dev/hdd2
# copy the linux partition using '''rsync'''; note that the trailing '/' is required for proper results.
#* rsync -av /mnt/hdc3/ /mnt/hdd3/
There are some issues concerning the process as described here. 
* The boot partition is copied with '''dd''' instead of '''rsync'''.  I does appear posible to use '''rsync''' if the boot partition is created as an '''hfs''' filesystem.  It is NOT clear at this time that the fdisk command to create the partition provides the file system as well, and the '''hfs''' utilities are not included on the '''finnix''' CD.  We could create a modified '''finnix''' CD with this utilities added, if necessary.  Using '''rsync''' would then require the explicit creation of an '''hfs''' filesystem  on hdd2, the creation of a /mnt/hdd2 directory on which to mount the partition, anth rsync step to copy /mnt/hdc2 to /mnt/hdd2.
* The replicated drive boots, but in a strange way.  It seems to not find the boot file at first, showing the folder-with-questionmark icon for a few seconds before booting the yaboot image.  I'm not sure why that is.  OpenFirmware has an environment variable '''boot-device''' whose value is a space separated list of boot file candidates.  The default value uses an '''hfs''' file type specifier, '''\\:tbxi'''.  I think the file type is in the files resource fork, which makes me think that the resource fork exists in the partition created by the Ubuntu installation process, but not in the copy created with '''rsync'''.  I could be wrong.  I tried several things when the folder-with-questionmark first appeared,
*I rebooted into OpenFirmware and selected the bootfile explicitly as with '''boot hd:2,\\yaboot''', meaning
boot using the file named yaboot on the second partition of the default hard drive.  That worked right away. **I added that boot file specifier to the '''boot-device''' environment variable.  That seemed to work, too.  That made me start to think that maybe the first time I saw the boot failure, it really was a boot failure.  The added boot specifier was in the second position in the list, and the boot failure icon behavior is consistent with trying the first boot specifier and failing before the second specifier is used.  This needs to be tried with the new boot file specifier in the first position.
* If the resource fork files are actually in the boot partition,  then the '''dd''' method of copying the partition should get them.  I tried that, too, and the boot failure icon still appeared, but the boot eventually succeeded, as before.  This also could be tested with the file order modification in the environment variable. (see [[#10feb07]])
* The calculation of the linux partition size could be avoided if the order of the partitions is changed by swapping the linux partition and the swap partition.  The numbers needed for partition start can be read right off the partition creation information.  This invalidates the information in the '''yaboot.conf''' file in the boot partition, which has partition information created by the Ubuntu installation process.  Swapping the partition order means that the linux boot images wiil be on partition 4 (hdd4), but the '''yaboot.conf''' file says that they are in partition 3 (hdd3), so the boot would fail.  It is possible to edit the file and make the appropriate changes.  So the question is which is a '''better''' solution, calculating the partition start and length numbers, or editting the '''yaboot.conf''' file.  In addition, the file '''/etgc/fstab''' is created believing that the root device is partition 3.  It would need to be edited also to reflect the new partitions.
* Some Mac computers, as mentioned earlier, designate the hard drive as hda and the CD rom as hdb.  The towers that we are using to develop this process designate the CD as hda and the first hard drive as hdc.
This means that either there will need to be separate master hard drives for each device configuration, or the '''fstab''' file will need to be edited to reflect the partition changes.
If the order of the devices in linux is determined by driver loading order at boot time, then the order (hda vs hdc) assigned by '''finnix''' may be different from the order assigned by Ubuntu.  This needs to be checked and verified as so or not-so.
Michael (tech support) told us a couple of days ago that he wasn't prepared to support Macs, let alone Macs with Rdgy installed, and asked if he could route technical support questions to us.  That's fine.  Maybe we chould give him a Mac with edgy installed for the tech support area.  I sent a note to the reuse mailing list to that effect.
Replicating the boot partition apperently requires the '''dd''' method.  I tried it both ways ('''rsync''' and '''dd'''), and only the '''dd''' method made the boot work correctly.
I can write a script that generates the lengths of the '''start''' and '''length''' values of the linux and swap partitions and puts them in a script that can be fed to fdisk.  Here is, generally, what such an fdisk script would look like, without the comments:
* i    # initialize the partition map
* C    # (capital C) create a (boot) partition using types
* 64  # start block
* 1954 # length
* untitled  # name
* Apple_Bootstrap  # boot partition type
* c    # create normal (linux native) partition
* <number>  # start block
* <number>  # partition length
* untitled    # name
* c    # create swap partition
* <number>  # start block
* <number>  # length
* swap      # name
* w  # write partition map to disk
* q  # quit
The <number> things will be calculated based on the disk size and put in the shell script that generates the fdisk script.
We had a first inquiry today about helping with Mac rebuild.  I asked him to talk to Dave or Matteo.

Latest revision as of 21:51, 23 March 2007

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