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How much vacation can Workers Accrue?
'''This old policy has been superseded by [[Staff Vacation Policies]].'''
== From staff meeting minutes, November 19, 2004 ==
Vacation hours proposals - paid over 12 weeks to reduce financial burdon
to FG - increase use of substitute hours, buildup a fund for paying out
folks as they leave. Approved.
== Policy wording ==
== Policy wording ==
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===Limits on vacation accrual===
===Limits on vacation accrual===
* Staff members earning vacation time must take that vacation within two years of having earned it.
* Staff members earning vacation time must take that vacation within two calendar years of having earned it.
* Unused vacation time that exceeds that limit is lost to the staff member.
* Unused vacation time that exceeds that limit is lost to the staff member.
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* Free Geek may take up to 12 weeks after a staff person's last working day to pay for any vacation money owed.
* Free Geek may take up to 12 weeks after a staff person's last working day to pay for any vacation money owed.
===Goals to allow Free Geek to follow this policy==
===Goals to allow Free Geek to follow this policy===
* The Free Geek staff has a goal of building up a pool of reserve money that will allow Free Geek to pay for all vacation time accrued when staff members leave, taking into account a reasonable rate of staff turnover.
* The Free Geek staff has a goal of building up a pool of reserve money that will allow Free Geek to pay for all vacation time accrued when staff members leave, taking into account a reasonable rate of staff turnover.
* The Free Geek staff has a goal of increasing the amount of money available for the hiring of substitutes to cover staff vacation in an effort to encourage staff members to take vacation hours (and thereby limit the likelihood of staff members being owed money when they decide to leave).
* The Free Geek staff has a goal of increasing the amount of money available for the hiring of substitutes to cover staff vacation in an effort to encourage staff members to take vacation hours (and thereby limit the likelihood of staff members being owed money when they decide to leave).
== Questions for consideration:==
Q: In the future, how long should workers be allowed to hold onto
sick and vacation hours before they have to use them or lose
The ideas I have heard so far:
A. "No limits." Just let us accumulate vacation hours forever
without any limit.
[This is easy to do. The disadvantage is that it would
potentially cost us a bunch of money someday when someone quits
and cashes in a large amount of vacation days.]
B. "Use it or lose it." After a certain amount of time [one year,
two years] vacation hours are given up and no longer owed.
[This limits the amount of vacation time a person can take at a
time (for good or for ill) and encourages people to take vacation
time more frequently. By adjusting how long we let vacation days
accumulate we can change how this affects us.]
C. "Use it or it turns into sick only time." Just like B, except
that instead of losing the time, it goes into an account that can
only be used for long term sick leave (that is, after your
regular sick and vacation time is used up, if you still need more
sick time, this is where it would come from). If you never get
that sick, you lose it.
D. "Use it or we pay you for it." Just like B, except that you
get an extra amount tacked onto your paycheck as if you'd worked
the hours you have coming to you in vacation.
[D is kind of like B from Free Geek's liability perspective, that
is we force people to use their vacation (or get paid for it)
from time to time. This prevents Free Geek from accumulating an
ever growing liability owed to its workers. But it means we
expect ourselves to be able to actually have the cash to pay
ourselves, should that ever happen. From the worker's
perspective it doesn't encourage people to take time off, but
instead gives them extra money.]
[All of options B, C, and D have some kind of time out clause
associated with them. We can implement this as either X number of
[days, weeks, months, years] from when the vacation time was
accrued, or we can do in on a regular schedule. For instance, we
can say if you accumulated the time in one year, it must be used
by the end of the next year. In that case, if you accumulated a
week of vacation in 2002, you'd have to use that week by the end
of 2003 and you could not carry it over to 2004.]
In all the above cases we are saying that vacation hours are
spent in the same order that they're accrued (except in option C,
where some old hours are only available for long term sick
leave). That is, if you have hours left over from last year, they
get used before the hours you accrue this year.

Latest revision as of 10:35, 9 April 2008

This old policy has been superseded by Staff Vacation Policies.

Policy wording

Since we can't find the actual text, here's a shot at wording that reflects what I think we decided on:

Limits on vacation accrual

  • Staff members earning vacation time must take that vacation within two calendar years of having earned it.
  • Unused vacation time that exceeds that limit is lost to the staff member.

Payment to exiting staff members

  • If a staff member is owed vacation time when he or she resigns, is laid off, or is otherwise terminated the amount of vacation time owed shall be calculated and reported to the staff member.
  • Free Geek may take up to 12 weeks after a staff person's last working day to pay for any vacation money owed.

Goals to allow Free Geek to follow this policy

  • The Free Geek staff has a goal of building up a pool of reserve money that will allow Free Geek to pay for all vacation time accrued when staff members leave, taking into account a reasonable rate of staff turnover.
  • The Free Geek staff has a goal of increasing the amount of money available for the hiring of substitutes to cover staff vacation in an effort to encourage staff members to take vacation hours (and thereby limit the likelihood of staff members being owed money when they decide to leave).