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| Number of staff hours for the Spanish Build (SB) Program  ||  
| Number of staff hours for the Spanish Build (SB) Program  ||  
* Instructing SB = 0 staff hrs (it has all been volunteer hrs
* Instructing SB = 0 staff hours outside of regular shifts, volunteer interns have done the majority of the instruction.     
* SB Admin =  
* SB Admin = roughly 2-3 hours a week split amongst two SB coordinators.       
| Hrs devoted to outreach ||
| Hrs devoted to outreach ||
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;Spanish Build Coordinators:
;Spanish Build Coordinators:
* Elizabeth Swager
* Elizabeth Swager
"I feel that the second phase of the Spanish Build Pilot Project address some of the obstacles that we encountered in the first phase. The changes that we implemented in the second round ultimately led us to this point and now we are ready to commit to Spanish Build as one of the Programs that Free Geek offers the to community. Because we added a new shift, participants no longer have to be added to a waiting list to get into the program. Spanish speaking volunteers are supported by bi-lingual instructors during two shifts a week, we have up to date documentation in Spanish for Pre-Build and Build. Unlike the first phase of Spanish Build, where participants had only a set number of shifts in each area before they had to move on, the second phase allows participants to learn at their own pace and production and education have benefited as a result.  
"I feel that the second phase of the Spanish Build Pilot Project addresses some of the obstacles that we encountered in the first phase. The changes that we implemented in the second round ultimately led us to this point and now we are ready to commit to Spanish Build as one of the Programs that Free Geek offers the to community. Because we added a new shift, participants no longer have to be added to a waiting list to get into the program. Spanish speaking volunteers are supported by bi-lingual instructors during two shifts a week, we have up to date documentation in Spanish for Pre-Build and Build. Unlike the first phase of Spanish Build, where participants had only a set number of shifts in each area before they had to move on, the second phase allows participants to learn at their own pace and production and education have benefited as a result.  
The Spanish Build Program has increased access  to computers, education and job skills to a greater, more diverse population of volunteers. Our amazing and dedicated volunteers and staff instructors have made this possible."
The Spanish Build Program has increased access  to computers, education and job skills to a greater, more diverse population of volunteers. Our amazing and dedicated volunteers and staff instructors have made this possible."
Line 35: Line 35:
Entire families participate in Spanish Build together, this reinforces the family unit, very important in the Spanish-speaking community. It also reinforces that Build is accessible to all ages: no prior knowledge or experience needed!   
Entire families participate in Spanish Build together, this reinforces the family unit, very important in the Spanish-speaking community. It also reinforces that Build is accessible to all ages: no prior knowledge or experience needed!   
Many staff and Spanish build instructors have commented that many of the participants choose to use their English during Spanish Build shifts. I believe that offering Build in Spanish helps people whose first language is Spanish feel welcome in Free Geek, even though they may speak English as a second language. The extent to which language is a barrier is often unnoticed-in all its subtleties-to those of us who do not experience it, and I hope that Spanish build is the first program of its kind, to be followed by many more, that seek to extend Free Geek's mission to those that will most be benefited by it.         
Many staff and Spanish Build instructors have commented that many of the participants choose to use their English during Spanish Build shifts. I believe that offering Build in Spanish helps people whose first language is Spanish feel welcome in Free Geek, even though they may speak English as a second language. I hope that Spanish Build is the first program of its kind, to be followed by many more, that seek to extend Free Geek's mission to those that will most be benefited by it.         
;Pre-Build Instructors  
;Pre-Build Instructors  
Line 50: Line 50:
program are also working on their English, and sometimes are happy to try in
program are also working on their English, and sometimes are happy to try in
English, but clearly value having someone to ask clarification in Spanish when
English, but clearly value having someone to ask clarification in Spanish when
needed. from time to time, I've ironically found myself talking in Spanish and
needed. From time to time, I've ironically found myself talking in Spanish and
the students responding in English, and it generally works out ok.
the students responding in English, and it generally works out ok.
Line 58: Line 58:
Keep up the good work!
Keep up the good work!
*Ian Young
I think the program is going really well. I just show up on Saturdays
for Prebuild and try to keep things going, but it's obvious to me when
I get there that there is a lot of work going into it. It's well
attended both by volunteer students and instructors, it's well
organized, and the enthusiasm is high. I'm glad that we're doing it. 
;Spanish Build Instructors:           
;Spanish Build Instructors:           

Latest revision as of 15:05, 3 June 2011

Evaluation of the Spanish Build Program from January 04, 2011 to April 04, 2011.
Question Answer
Number of staff hours for the Spanish Build (SB) Program
  • Instructing SB = 0 staff hours outside of regular shifts, volunteer interns have done the majority of the instruction.
  • SB Admin = roughly 2-3 hours a week split amongst two SB coordinators.
Hrs devoted to outreach

(Volunteers took on the majority).

Number of people on SB waiting list

No waiting list due to the availability to sign up any Tuesday and Saturday.

Estimate of staff hrs to continue SB and turn it into an established program 8-15 hrs a month for two staff program coordinators, and some wiki chart maintenance.

Stakeholder Testimonies

Spanish Build Coordinators
  • Elizabeth Swager

"I feel that the second phase of the Spanish Build Pilot Project addresses some of the obstacles that we encountered in the first phase. The changes that we implemented in the second round ultimately led us to this point and now we are ready to commit to Spanish Build as one of the Programs that Free Geek offers the to community. Because we added a new shift, participants no longer have to be added to a waiting list to get into the program. Spanish speaking volunteers are supported by bi-lingual instructors during two shifts a week, we have up to date documentation in Spanish for Pre-Build and Build. Unlike the first phase of Spanish Build, where participants had only a set number of shifts in each area before they had to move on, the second phase allows participants to learn at their own pace and production and education have benefited as a result.

The Spanish Build Program has increased access to computers, education and job skills to a greater, more diverse population of volunteers. Our amazing and dedicated volunteers and staff instructors have made this possible."

  • Renee Harger

The changes to the Spanish Build shifts in the second phase have served to solve three major issues: first there is no longer a waiting list for participants to begin Spanish Build, second there is no longer a fixed time period in which participants have to complete the three steps in Build, and third the structure of the shifts in Spanish Build is now the same as the structure of the English Build shifts thus lending a continuity to Spanish Build that fits in with the larger organization of Free Geek.

The dedication of the instructors and students in Spanish Build is still strong and enthusiastic. I believe that the word is getting out to Spanish-speaking communities more thoroughly now that Free Geek has been able to offer Spanish Build for several months. I am met with exultation when I describe the Spanish Build program at Free Geek to directors and organizers of services for Spanish-speakers: there is a great need for computers, learning and community building in the Spanish-speaking community. Free Geek's Spanish Build has been able to meet these needs in many ways.

Entire families participate in Spanish Build together, this reinforces the family unit, very important in the Spanish-speaking community. It also reinforces that Build is accessible to all ages: no prior knowledge or experience needed!

Many staff and Spanish Build instructors have commented that many of the participants choose to use their English during Spanish Build shifts. I believe that offering Build in Spanish helps people whose first language is Spanish feel welcome in Free Geek, even though they may speak English as a second language. I hope that Spanish Build is the first program of its kind, to be followed by many more, that seek to extend Free Geek's mission to those that will most be benefited by it.

Pre-Build Instructors
  • Vagrant Cascadian

I've mostly been involved in the Spanish build program as a Pre-Build instructor who knows enough Spanish to give an explanation in Spanish when needed.

I think things are going fairly well with most shifts- I've only had one shift where the fluent Spanish instructor called in sick, and I recall Estella (a Spanish Build instructor) and Max (one of the Pre-Build interns) stepped in to help.

Also interesting to note is that many of the people in the Spanish build program are also working on their English, and sometimes are happy to try in English, but clearly value having someone to ask clarification in Spanish when needed. From time to time, I've ironically found myself talking in Spanish and the students responding in English, and it generally works out ok.

Last I looked, the flowcharts were *mostly* current, although I've occasionally caught some Spanish text that was not in sync with the English text- I've tried to fix it when I can (especially with Gerardo's (a Spanish Build instructor) help).

Keep up the good work!

  • Ian Young

I think the program is going really well. I just show up on Saturdays for Prebuild and try to keep things going, but it's obvious to me when I get there that there is a lot of work going into it. It's well attended both by volunteer students and instructors, it's well organized, and the enthusiasm is high. I'm glad that we're doing it.

Spanish Build Instructors
  • Gerardo Apale

"In my opinion the Spanish Build program it's a good opportunity to introduce Hispanic people to the world of technology and at the same time we help to preserve the environment. This time I gave classes has been a great experience with the students. The flow chart we are using are very helpful I think the translation it's very good, but I like the name of the computer parts keep In English on the Spanish flow charts. It's probably necessary to be promote at schools."

  • Keith Billings

"The Spanish build program continues to be rewarding for me both because I think we are really filling a vital need and because of the excitement and energy of the Spanish students. I think this excitement is partly a reflection of the extra effort by Free Geek to make Spanish students feel "at home" and of Free Geek's commitment to serving the needs of a broader group of people.

There are always Spanish students at the Saturday system evaluation shift and frequently entire families. My experience in system evaluation makes me think that some of the Spanish build students could easily become future Spanish build instructors.

I think the program continues to integrate well into the whole Free Geek community. I hope that we continue and even expand the Spanish build program to encompass even more of the Free Geek mission."

  • Estela Balanzar And Daisy Fuentes

"Everybody has benefited from this wonderful program to build and learn about computers and computer programs. For me, I am interested in being able to help in this program because at the same time I can also learn. It is so amazing to be involved in this build computers program with Spanish speakers. I think it is not too difficult for them to learn about computers. The good skills learned about computers can be useful to them in the future. Those students and I have both learned much. It was excellent. We enjoy helping in the Spanish Build Program, thank you."

Spanish Build Participants
  • Francisco Lopez

"Hola, este programa me a gustado mucho ya que he podido adquirir muchos conocimientos acerca de las computadoras y a mi parecer en muy corto tiempo. Ya que freegeek cuenta con el personal y los elementos necesarios para el trabajo.

Quiero denotar que a pesar de mis pocos conocimientos en el idioma English he tenido mucho apoyo por parte de la gente con quien he trabajado e inclusive de los que solo hablan en English ya que ellos tratan de ensenarle a uno las cosas con pasiencia y pues es una doble enseñanza ya que puedo aprender dos cosas a la vez.

Muchas gracias por esta oportunidad y espero me sea posible seguir ayudando y aprendiendo mas cada dia que pueda asistir a freegeek."

"Hi, I have liked this program very much and I have been able to acquire a lot of knowledge in what seems to me a very short time. Due to the fact that Free Geek has adequate staff and necessary resources for the job.

I want to point out that in spite of my limited knowledge of the English language, I have had a lot of support from the people with whom I have worked at Free Geek, including the English-speaking folks; they try to teach with patience and, well, its a double benefit because I am learning two things at once.

Thank you so much for this opportunity and I hope that I will continue helping and learning more every day that I can be at Free Geek." (Translation by Renee Harger).

  • Sergio Romero

"En mi opinion, me gustaria decir que el programa de construccion en espanol es bastante util, porque tiene muchas cosas positivas por mencionar algunas: aprendemos a reciclar, a conocer las partes que forman una computadora y como ensamblarla. Me gusta donar parte de mi tiempo porque es bueno para la comunidad y para mi tambien porque aprendo del fascinante mundo de las computadoras. Muchas gracias a todos los que forman este gran equipo como son: los coordinadores, los instructores y companeros del programa construccion en espanol y espero que este programa continue, aunque no participe en la primera etapa me gusto mucho la segunda face."

"In my opinion, I would like to say that the Spanish Build program is extremely useful, because it includes many positive things, to name a few: we learn how to recycle, to identify the parts that make up a computer and how to assemble a computer. I like donating part of my time because it is good for the community and for me as well because I learn about the fascinating world of computers. Thank you so much to everybody that makes up the Spanish Build program: the coordinators, the instructors and the participants of the Spanish Build program, and I hope that this program continues, even though I did not participate in the first round." (Translation by Renee Harger).

  • Carlos Ocejo

"Queridos amigos e instructores de "Freegeek' Antes que nada permitanme extender mi mas sincero agradecimiento solo por el echo de existir dentro de esta comunidad.Ya que ha sido gracias a ustedes que yo pueda establecer un conocimiento mas amplio a cerca de la computacion y sus beneficios. No queda una sola duda en mi de que debido al "outreach" que se lleva a cabo en esta Organisazion fue possible para mi participar y tomar parte (tanto en mi desarrollo intelectual como tecnico) en el programa "Build".Sin mencionar el echo de haber sido siempre bien recibido por todos los voluntarios tanto como los instructores, la paciencia y el apoyo que ellos brindan son invlubles.Yo estoy muy entusiasmado de que "Freegeek" exista sin mencionar el echo de que ya no tenga que molestar a mis hijos para que me ayuden con mi trabajo en la computadora.E ahi un beneficio secundario. Tambien aparece la oportunidad de regresar el favor y continuar por via de ayudar a los siguientes aprendices que tambien me parece formidable. Asi que por favor "Keep up the good work". Y si en algo puedo ayudar por no duden en echarme un grito."

"Dear friends and instructors of Free Geek, first of all, let me extend my sincerest gratitude just for the fact that you exist in this community. It has been thanks to you that I have been able to establish a greater knowledge of computers and their benefits. There is not a single doubt that thanks to the "outreach" that has taken place through this organization, my participation was made possible and I have been able to take part (my intellectual development as much as my technical development) in the Build program. Not to mention the fact that I have always been warmly welcomed by all the volunteers and instructors, the patience and the support that they provide are invaluable. I am very enthusiastic that Free Geek exists, not to mention the fact that now I don't have to bother my kids to help me with computer issues, so that is an added benefit. It is also an opportunity to return the favor and continue handing down the knowledge to the next students that also seem to me to be very capable. With that, please keep up the good work. And if there is anything that I can help with, don't hesitate to give me a shout." (Translation by Renee Harger).