Difference between revisions of "System Evaluation Final Triage"

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(added speciialmine and recycle)
Line 5: Line 5:
   start        [label="START HERE", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
   start        [label="START HERE", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
   disklessshelf [label="DISKLESS TERMINAL", fontsize="11", shape="box"]
   disklessshelf [label="DISKLESS TERMINAL", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
   keep          [label="KEEP the system", fontsize="11", shape="box"]
   keep          [label="KEEP the system", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
   recycle      [label="RECYCLE the system", fontsize="11", shape="box"]
   recycle      [label="RECYCLE the system", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  specialmine    [label="SPECIAL MINING", fontsize="11", shape="box"]
   tardis        [label="TARDIS", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
   tardis        [label="TARDIS", fontsize="11", shape="box"]
   diskless      [label="Do we want it for a\nDISKLESS TERMINAL?\nGo through the\nDISKLESS TERMINAL TRIAGE chart\n(then come back here)", fontsize="11", URL="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Diskless_Terminal_Triage"]
   diskless      [label="Do we want it for a\nDISKLESS TERMINAL?\nGo through the\nDISKLESS TERMINAL TRIAGE chart\n(then come back here)", fontsize="11", URL="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Diskless_Terminal_Triage"]
   superfast    [label="Does it have a\n1300 MHz or faster proc?", fontsize="11"]
   superfast    [label="Does it have a\n1300 MHz or faster proc?", fontsize="11"]
   ddr          [label="Does it have\nDDR memory?", fontsize="11"]
   ddr          [label="Does it have\nDDR memory?", fontsize="11"]
   fastenough    [label="Does it have a\n500 MHz or faster proc?", fontsize="11"]
   fastenough    [label="Does it have a\n500 MHz or faster proc?", fontsize="11"]
  specialmining  [label="Do we want it to perform\nSPECIAL MINING on it?\nGo through the\nSPECIAL MINING TRIAGE chart\n(then come back here)", fontsize="11", URL="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Special_Mining_Triage"]
  goback        [label="Go back to the\nSYSTEM EVALUATION 2 OVERVIEW chart", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold", URL="/index.php/System_Evaluation_2_Overview"]
   start      -> ddr [label="YES"]
   start      -> ddr [label="YES"]
Line 23: Line 20:
   superfast  -> fastenough [label="NO"]
   superfast  -> fastenough [label="NO"]
   fastenough  -> diskless [label="YES"]
   fastenough  -> diskless [label="YES"]
   fastenough  -> specialmining [label="NO"]
   fastenough  -> recycle [label="NO"]
   diskless    -> disklessshelf [label="YES"]
   diskless    -> disklessshelf [label="YES"]
   diskless    -> keep  [label="NO"]
   diskless    -> keep  [label="NO"]
  disklessshelf -> goback
  keep -> goback
  tardis -> goback
  specialmining -> recycle [label="NO"]
  specialmining -> specialmine [label="YES"]
  specialmine -> goback
  recycle -> goback
* Back to [[System Evaluation 2 Overview]]?
[[Category: Triage]]
[[Category: Triage]]
[[Category: Prebuild]]
[[Category: Prebuild]]

Revision as of 19:54, 7 February 2006