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== Attendance ==
== Attendance ==
martin, richard, oso, kerm, bill, seamus, shawn, wren, phil, serge, liane, marie, wes
List participants here.
== Old Commitments ==
== Old Commitments ==

Revision as of 23:42, 19 July 2006

  • Date:
  • Facilitator:
  • Scribe:
  • Minutes Checker:
  • Place:

Call the meeting to order

  • Are the scribe and facilitator there?
  • Check in - ask how everybody's doing.
  • Have everybody say their name (important at Council meetings.) Scribe: note names below. (under == Attendance ==)
  • You can delete this section from the minutes.


martin, richard, oso, kerm, bill, seamus, shawn, wren, phil, serge, liane, marie, wes

Old Commitments

Copy these from the prior meeting's minutes.

Owner of each commitment should report on status: Done, In Progress, Carryover, Hand Off, or Drop. For items not completed, see Carryovers.

  • Name - commitment - status
  • Name - commitment - status
    • discussion points if necessary
  • etc.


Reports from other working groups. Use headings with equal signs, like this:

=== Blahblah Report ===

If reports came via email, please link to the message in the archive here. Like this: Blahblah Report

Foobar Report

  • presenter's name
  • summarize and/or link to report
  • record conversation

Old Business

copy from previous meeting's minutes

Item 1

  • presenter's name
  • summarize presentation
  • record conversation
    • (use asterisks, not hyphens. It translates better to wiki.)

New Business

copy from email list's agenda additions

Item 1

  • presenter's name
  • summarize presentation
  • record conversation

New Commitments

New commitments, and Carry-Overs copied from above.

  • name - commitment
  • name - commitment
  • etc.

Next Meeting

  • Facilitator:
  • Scribe:
  • Minutes Checker:
  • Reporters to other meetings?
  • Date and time:
  • Place:
  • Unfinished business for the next meeting?