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==Disk Replication==
==Disk Replication==
from platform import *
from platform import *
from globals import *
from globals import *
import sys, getopt  
from scripts import *
import sys, getopt, string
def getArgs():
def usage():
    errExit(2,"usage: replicate -t macType targetdev")
def verifyTarget(t):
def getArgs():
    macType = target = None
def createPartitions():
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ht:", ["help"])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
def setupForCopy():
        # print help information and exit:
    if not opts:
def copyPartitions():
    for o, a in opts:
        if o == "-t":
def tweakConfigFiles(type):
            macType = a
        if o in ("-h", "--help"):
if __name__ == "__main__":
    if args:
        target = args[0]
        target = os.environ.get('REPL_TARGET_DRIVE')
    if target is None:
        print "error: no target drive specified"
    return macType, target
def verifyTarget(host):
    """ target device must exist and have no partition map.  Existence
        is tested by probing with hdparm; partition map is probed with
    devPath = host.get_hdPath()
    cmd = 'hdparm -i ' + devPath
    r = os.popen(cmd)
    status = r.close()
    if status is not None:
        errExit(8,'error: device ' + devPath + ' does not seem to exist')
    cmd = ('fdisk -l ' + devPath + '| grep ' + devPath + ' | wc -l')
    nPartitions = map(string.strip, os.popen(cmd).readlines())
    if nPartitions:
        errExit(9,'error: there appear to be existing partitions on ' + devPath)
def createPartitions(host):
    """ create an fdisk script for creating partitions on the local
        target drive; create an ext3 filesystem on the linux partition,
        and initinitialize the swap partition. Initialializing the swap
        partition has the benefit of creating a UUID for it.
    # generate fdisk script and apply it
    devPath = host.get_hdPath()
    cmd = 'fdisk ' + devPath + ' < ' + fdiskScript
#    os.system(cmd)
    print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
    # verify partition existence, and create linux filesystem and swap space
    cmd = 'fdisk -l ' + devPath + ' | grep ' + host.get_linuxPart() \
          + ' | wc -l'
    n_partitions = map(string.strip, os.popen(cmd).readlines())
    if (not n_partitions or n_partitions[0] is not '1'):
        err = 'error: no linux partition ' + host.get_linuxPart() \
              + ' for fs creation'
        errExit(10, err)
#    os.system('mkfs3.ext3' + host.get_linuxPart())
#    os.system('mkswap' + host.get_swapPart())
    print 'os.system(mkfs3.ext3 ' + host.get_linuxPart() + ')'
    print 'os.system(mkswap ' + host.get_swapPart() + ')'
def setupForCopy(host):
    """ verify/create all the necessary mount points
    ## linux target
    mntPath = '/mnt/' + host.get_hd() + linuxpart
    if os.path.exists(mntPath):
        if not os.path.isdir(mntPath):
            errExit(18,'error: mount point ' + mntPath + 'is a regular file;'
                        + 'it must be a directory')
        # else it exists and it is a directory
        # it does not exist, so create it
#        os.path.mkdir(mntPath,0644)
        print 'os.path.mkdir(' + mntPath + ',0644)'
    # mount target linux partition
    cmd = 'mount -t ext3 -o rw ' + host.get_linuxPart() + ' ' + mntPath
#    status = os.system(cmd)
    print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
#    if (status is not 0):
#        errExit(12,'error: mount target linux partition failed: ' \
#                    + host.get_linuxPart() + ' to ' + mntPath)
#    else:
#        os.system('umount ' + mntPath)
    ## boot target
    mntPath = '/mnt/' + host.get_hd() + swappart
    if os.path.exists(mntPath):
        if not os.path.isdir(mntPath):
            errExit(18,'error: mount point ' + mntPath + 'is a regular file;'
                        + 'it must be a directory')
        # else it exists and it is a directory
        # it does not exist, so create it
#        os.path.mkdir(mntPath,0644)
        print 'os.path.mkdir(' + mntPath + ',0644)'
def copyPartitions(host,pfm):
    """ copy boot partition with dd, and copy linux install image with
        rsync; verify boot partition by mounting it as an hfs filesystem
    # copy the boot partition
    mntPath = '/mnt/' + host.get_hd() + bootpart
    bootimgPath = srcHome + '/' + pfm.get_imageType() + '/' + bootpartImg
    cmd = 'dd if=' + bootimgPath + ' of=' + mntPath
#    os.system(cmd)
    print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
    # mount/verify target boot partition
    cmd = 'mount -t hfs ' + host.get_bootPart() + ' ' + mntPath
#    status = os.system(cmd)
    print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
#    if (status is not 0):
#        errExit(12,'error: mount target swap partition failed: ' \
#                    + host.get_swapPart() + ' to ' + mntPath)
#    else:
#        os.system('umount ' + mntPath)
    # copy the linux partition
    mntPath = '/mnt/' + host.get_hd() + linuxpart
    linuximgPath = srcHome + '/' + pfm.get_imageType() + '/' + linuxImg
    cmd = 'rsync -av ' + linuximgPath + '/ ' + mntPath + '/'
#    status = os.system(cmd)
    print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
#    if (status is not 0):
#        errExit(12,'error: mount target linux partition failed: ' \
#                    + host.get_linuxPart() + ' to ' + mntPath)
#    else:
#        os.system('umount ' + mntPath)
def tweakConfigFiles(host,pfm):
    cmd = 'vol_id ' + host.get_linuxPart() + ' | grep -i uuid'
    print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
    for line in os.popen(cmd).readlines():
        m = r1.search(line)
        if (m):
            linuxuuid = m.group(1)
    cmd = 'vol_id ' + host.get_swapPart() + ' | grep -i uuid'
    print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
    for line in os.popen(cmd).readlines():
        print line
        m = r1.search(line)
        if (m):
            swapuuid = m.group(1)
        errExit(19,"error: failed to generate yaboot configuration")
        errExit(20,"error: failed to generate fstab")
    mntPath = '/mnt/' + host.get_hd() + linuxpart
    cmd = 'mount -t ext3 -o rw ' + host.get_linuxPart()  + ' ' + mntPath
#    status = os.system(cmd)
    print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
    cmd = 'cp ' + fstabFile + ' ' + mntPath + '/etc/yaboot.conf'
#    os.system(cmd)
    print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
    cmd = 'cp ' + ybConfFile + ' ' + mntPath + '/etc/fstab'
#    os.system(cmd)
    print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
    cmd = 'mkofboot -b ' + host.get_bootPart() + ' ' + pfm.get_bootPart() \
          + ' -o ' + pfm.get_bootdev() + ' -C ' + mntPath \
          + '/etc/yaboot.conf ' + '--nonvram'
#    status = os.system(cmd)
    print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
#    if (status is not 0):
#        errExit(15,'error:failed to update boot partition')
#    else:
#        os.system('umount ' + mntPath)
def main():
    # first, ensure root user
    if os.getuid() is not 0:
        errExit(1 ,"You must be root to run this script; try using sudo")
    macType, target = getArgs()
    h = aPlatform("host")
    p = aPlatform(macType)
if __name__ == "__main__":

Revision as of 10:07, 6 March 2007

Now let's try that Linux Disk Replication script in Python.

Disk Replication


  1. !/usr/bin/python

from platform import * from globals import * from scripts import * import sys, getopt, string

def usage():

   errExit(2,"usage: replicate -t macType targetdev")

def getArgs():

   macType = target = None
       opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ht:", ["help"])
   except getopt.GetoptError:
       # print help information and exit:
   if not opts: 
   for o, a in opts:
       if o == "-t":
           macType = a
       if o in ("-h", "--help"):
   if args:
       target = args[0]
       target = os.environ.get('REPL_TARGET_DRIVE')
   if target is None:
       print "error: no target drive specified"
   return macType, target

def verifyTarget(host):

   """ target device must exist and have no partition map.  Existence
       is tested by probing with hdparm; partition map is probed with
   devPath = host.get_hdPath()
   cmd = 'hdparm -i ' +  devPath
   r = os.popen(cmd)
   status = r.close()
   if status is not None:
       errExit(8,'error: device ' + devPath + ' does not seem to exist')
   cmd = ('fdisk -l ' + devPath + '| grep ' + devPath + ' | wc -l')
   nPartitions = map(string.strip, os.popen(cmd).readlines())
   if nPartitions:
       errExit(9,'error: there appear to be existing partitions on ' + devPath)

def createPartitions(host):

   """ create an fdisk script for creating partitions on the local
       target drive; create an ext3 filesystem on the linux partition, 
       and initinitialize the swap partition.  Initialializing the swap 
       partition has the benefit of creating a UUID for it.
   # generate fdisk script and apply it
   devPath = host.get_hdPath()
   cmd = 'fdisk ' + devPath + ' < ' + fdiskScript
  1. os.system(cmd)
   print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
   # verify partition existence, and create linux filesystem and swap space
   cmd = 'fdisk -l ' + devPath + ' | grep ' + host.get_linuxPart() \
          + ' | wc -l'
   n_partitions = map(string.strip, os.popen(cmd).readlines())
   if (not n_partitions or n_partitions[0] is not '1'):
       err = 'error: no linux partition ' + host.get_linuxPart() \
             + ' for fs creation'
       errExit(10, err)
  1. os.system('mkfs3.ext3' + host.get_linuxPart())
  2. os.system('mkswap' + host.get_swapPart())
   print 'os.system(mkfs3.ext3 ' + host.get_linuxPart() + ')'
   print 'os.system(mkswap ' + host.get_swapPart() + ')'

def setupForCopy(host):

   """ verify/create all the necessary mount points
   ## linux target
   mntPath = '/mnt/' + host.get_hd() + linuxpart
   if os.path.exists(mntPath):
       if not os.path.isdir(mntPath):
           errExit(18,'error: mount point ' + mntPath + 'is a regular file;'
                       + 'it must be a directory')
       # else it exists and it is a directory
       # it does not exist, so create it
  1. os.path.mkdir(mntPath,0644)
       print 'os.path.mkdir(' + mntPath + ',0644)'
   # mount target linux partition
   cmd = 'mount -t ext3 -o rw ' + host.get_linuxPart()  + ' ' + mntPath
  1. status = os.system(cmd)
   print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
  1. if (status is not 0):
  2. errExit(12,'error: mount target linux partition failed: ' \
  3. + host.get_linuxPart() + ' to ' + mntPath)
  4. else:
  5. os.system('umount ' + mntPath)
   ## boot target
   mntPath = '/mnt/' + host.get_hd() + swappart
   if os.path.exists(mntPath):
       if not os.path.isdir(mntPath):
           errExit(18,'error: mount point ' + mntPath + 'is a regular file;'
                       + 'it must be a directory')
       # else it exists and it is a directory
       # it does not exist, so create it
  1. os.path.mkdir(mntPath,0644)
       print 'os.path.mkdir(' + mntPath + ',0644)'

def copyPartitions(host,pfm):

   """ copy boot partition with dd, and copy linux install image with 
       rsync; verify boot partition by mounting it as an hfs filesystem
   # copy the boot partition
   mntPath = '/mnt/' + host.get_hd() + bootpart
   bootimgPath = srcHome + '/' + pfm.get_imageType() + '/' + bootpartImg
   cmd = 'dd if=' + bootimgPath + ' of=' + mntPath
  1. os.system(cmd)
   print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
   # mount/verify target boot partition
   cmd = 'mount -t hfs ' + host.get_bootPart()  + ' ' + mntPath
  1. status = os.system(cmd)
   print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
  1. if (status is not 0):
  2. errExit(12,'error: mount target swap partition failed: ' \
  3. + host.get_swapPart() + ' to ' + mntPath)
  4. else:
  5. os.system('umount ' + mntPath)
   # copy the linux partition
   mntPath = '/mnt/' + host.get_hd() + linuxpart
   linuximgPath = srcHome + '/' + pfm.get_imageType() + '/' + linuxImg
   cmd = 'rsync -av ' + linuximgPath + '/ ' + mntPath + '/'
  1. status = os.system(cmd)
   print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
  1. if (status is not 0):
  2. errExit(12,'error: mount target linux partition failed: ' \
  3. + host.get_linuxPart() + ' to ' + mntPath)
  4. else:
  5. os.system('umount ' + mntPath)

def tweakConfigFiles(host,pfm):

   cmd = 'vol_id ' + host.get_linuxPart() + ' | grep -i uuid'
   print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
   for line in os.popen(cmd).readlines():
       m = r1.search(line)
       if (m):
           linuxuuid = m.group(1)
   cmd = 'vol_id ' + host.get_swapPart() + ' | grep -i uuid'
   print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
   for line in os.popen(cmd).readlines():
       print line
       m = r1.search(line)
       if (m):
           swapuuid = m.group(1)
       errExit(19,"error: failed to generate yaboot configuration")
       errExit(20,"error: failed to generate fstab") 
   mntPath = '/mnt/' + host.get_hd() + linuxpart
   cmd = 'mount -t ext3 -o rw ' + host.get_linuxPart()  + ' ' + mntPath
  1. status = os.system(cmd)
   print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
   cmd = 'cp ' + fstabFile + ' ' + mntPath + '/etc/yaboot.conf' 
  1. os.system(cmd)
   print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
   cmd = 'cp ' + ybConfFile + ' ' + mntPath + '/etc/fstab' 
  1. os.system(cmd)
   print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
   cmd = 'mkofboot -b ' + host.get_bootPart() + ' ' + pfm.get_bootPart() \
         + ' -o ' + pfm.get_bootdev() + ' -C ' + mntPath \
         + '/etc/yaboot.conf ' + '--nonvram'
  1. status = os.system(cmd)
   print 'os.system(' + cmd + ')'
  1. if (status is not 0):
  2. errExit(15,'error:failed to update boot partition')
  3. else:
  4. os.system('umount ' + mntPath)

def main():

   # first, ensure root user
   if os.getuid() is not 0:
       errExit(1 ,"You must be root to run this script; try using sudo")
   macType, target = getArgs()
   h = aPlatform("host")
   p = aPlatform(macType)

if __name__ == "__main__":



linuxroot = "/root/rootdir"
bootpartimg = "/root/bootpart.img"


class Platform:
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = "prototype"
        self.hd_device = "hda"
        self.cd_device = "hdc"
        self.of_bootdev = "hd:"

    def get_name(self):
        return self.name
    def set_name(self,name):
        self.name = name
    def get_hd(self):
        return self.hd_device
    def set_hd(self,device):
        self.hd_device = device
    def get_cd(self):
        return self.cd_device
    def set_cd(self,device):
        self.cd_device = device
    def get_bootdev(self):
        return self.of_bootdev
    def set_cd(self,ofpath):
        self.of_bootdev = ofpath

class imac(Platform):
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = "iMac"
        self.hd_device = "hda"
        self.cd_device = "hdb"
        self.of_bootdev = "/pci@f2000000/mac-io@17/ata-4@1f000/disk@0:"

class g3(Platform):
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = "g3"
        self.hd_device = "hdc"
        self.cd_device = "hda"
        self.of_bootdev = "/pci@80000000/pci-bridge@d/pci-ata@1/@0/disk@0:"

class g4(Platform):
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = "g4"
        self.hd_device = "hda"
        self.cd_device = "hdc"
        self.of_bootdev = "/pci@f2000000/pci-bridge@d/mac-io@7/ata-4@1f000/disk@0:" 

class g4q(Platform):
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = "g4q"
        self.hd_device = "hda"
        self.cd_device = "hdc"
        self.of_bootdev = "/pci@f2000000/mac-io@17/ata-4@1f000/disk@0:" 

def aPlatform(name):
    if name == "imac":
        return imac()
    elif name == "g3":
        return g3()
    elif name == "g4":
        return g4()
    elif name == "g4q":
        return g4q()
        return Platform()

def dump_platform(p):
    print 'name      : %s '% p.get_name().upper()
    print 'hd        : %s '% p.get_hd()
    print 'cd        : %s '% p.get_cd()
    print 'of_bootdev: %s '% p.get_bootdev()

if __name__ == "__main__":
