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[[Category: HR]]
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[[Category: Outdated Policy]]

Latest revision as of 17:35, 6 July 2010

Staff Ratios: This policy encourages Free Geek to minimize a tendency towards hierarchy in its work force.
List of Policies - Policy Development


This policy was approved by the staff collective at the March 23, 2007 Staff Meeting and then altered to this form at the staff meeting on July 11, 2008

Since Free Geek values its staff collective as a non-hierarchical structure, and since a tendency towards hierarchy could evolve at Free Geek when people are hired into positions outside the staff collective, and since those positions are nevertheless sometimes needed for the benefit of Free Geek, it is necessary to establish a workable framework for protecting the non-hierarchical nature of Free Geek's workforce while allowing positions outside the staff collective to exist.

There are six categories of workers at Free Geek that are on the Free Geek payroll:

  1. Staff collective members
  2. Paid interns
  3. Exploratory position workers
  4. Substitutes
  5. Committed non-collective workers
  6. Nothers (other regular non-collective workers)

Whenever more than 10% of the number of hours paid for in a month are paid to substitutes, the staff collective shall review the situation an attempt to bring the percentage down to below 10%.

Whenever less than 60% of the hours worked on payroll are staff collective members, the staff collective shall review the situation and attempt to bring the percentage above 60%.

See Also