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==Formal Meeting==
==Formal Meeting==
Small group of people that documents what has already happened. This might happen a few times.
Small group of people that documents what has already happened, including a summary of informal and one-one-discussions that have transpired. This might happen a few times.
==Written Agreement==
==Written Agreement==

Revision as of 13:53, 25 February 2005


This policy addresses problems with Free Geek staff collective members that affect Free Geek as an organization.

This should include escalating steps designed to deal with problems before they get out of hand, and if necessary, bring problems to a satisfactory and fair resolution without trampling on anyone's rights.

The intention of this policy is to solve problems by working directly with collective members in a humane way.

When does this apply?

The following actions are examples of what might bring the staff discipline policy into play. It isn't a complete list.

  • Job performance.
  • Repeated tardiness or absence, especially without adequate warning.
  • Stealing.
  • Violation of Free Geek policy.
  • Physical or verbal abuse towards another staff member or volunteer.
  • Illegal activities.
  • Bringing firearms onto the premises.
  • Falsely stating or making claims of injuries or illness.
  • Sexual harassment.

Note about avoiding conflict on a grand scale: reviews and individual-to-individual.


Less formal talk between the disciplinee and another staff collective member. This might happen a few times. In serious cases, this step can be skipped.

Formal Meeting

Small group of people that documents what has already happened, including a summary of informal and one-one-discussions that have transpired. This might happen a few times.

Written Agreement

Coming out of a formal meeting, this is an agreement with the disciplinee about how to recitify the problems.

Resolution Committee

A formal committee whose makeup is suggested by HR but finalized upon by the staff. This commitee has the power to suggest termination and put items on the agendas of any Free Geek meeting in order to see the problems get resolved.

See the Resolution Committee page for more information.

Action by Whole Collective

  • An RC may recommend to the staff collective that a staff member be terminated. In this case, the reason for termination must be specifically described and the decision must be considered by the whole staff collective. The person under consideration for termination must be able to speak, but is not allowed to block the decision of the larger group. The person under consideration for termination may choose a representative, either a third party or another member of the staff collective to speak on his or her behalf as well.

Leftover notes snippet

First thing Resolution Committee would do is state why we're in the place we're in: legitimate or no?

  1. Talk to the person to raise issues and get their side of the story.
  2. Talk to the person as a delegation of the HR committee and create a written agreement.
  3. Form a resolution committee to deal with the issue and consider termination of the staff member.