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#* The reviewee must also fill out a form for him or herself.   
#* The reviewee must also fill out a form for him or herself.   
#* Names should be included on these forms.  If answers are illegible, need clarification, or should be written in a more constructive way, the panel is responsible for returning the form to the appropriate person for changes.  
#* Names should be included on these forms.  If answers are illegible, need clarification, or should be written in a more constructive way, the panel is responsible for returning the form to the appropriate person for changes.  
#* '''Please note''': the review panel is responsible for screening comments for inappropriate comments.  Comments should focus on behavior and job performance and be specific. They shouldn't cite diseases or disabilities as the causes of problems (although the behavior resulting from these situations, if they are relevant to the functions of the job, may be cited).
#* '''Please note''': the review panel is responsible for screening comments for appropriateness.  Comments should focus on behavior and job performance and be specific. They shouldn't cite diseases or disabilities as the causes of problems (although the behavior resulting from these situations, if they are relevant to the functions of the job, may be cited). Obviously, reasons relating to race, gender, religion, or political beliefs are inappropriate.
#* Forms are returned to the review panel long enough before the review that the panel can tabulate the results (at least a couple of days).
#* Forms are returned to the review panel long enough before the review that the panel can tabulate the results (at least a couple of days).
# Tally all the collected forms into one master form
# Tally all the collected forms into one master form

Revision as of 12:17, 17 February 2006

The review panel conducts most of the review for a member of the staff collective. The panel is nominated by the HR committee and approved by staff. It is generally made up of 2 to 3 people.

After the panel has been formed, it is responsible for conducting the rest of the reviews for that season. The review is a chance for the collective to give the reviewee praise for a job well done, as well as a fact-finding mission and problem-solving session if there are issues for the reviewee to work on. The reviewee should come out of the review with a set of goals for the next year.


The details of the collective member review process look like this:

  1. The HR committee nominates 2-3 people to comprise a review panel for all the season's reviews. The staff collective discusses the nomination at the next staff meeting, makes changes if necessary, and OKs the decision. The review panel is then responsible for seeing the rest of the processes through.
    • The review panel should be made up of people who work pretty closely with the person being reviewed.
    • Alright, the rest of these steps will address what to do for each individual review.
  2. The review panel creates a draft review form for the reviewee.
    • The review form will be emailed to the collective for additions before being finalized and printed out.
    • The form should include the goals created for the reviewee in his last review as well as General Questions for Collective Reviews, which are asked in every review.
    • The general questions may be found here. The individual's goals are located in the directory named after the individual in the personnel directory.
    • Use the set of goals created most recently to make the form.
  3. Email the set of questions that you have for the form to the collective.
    • This is the rest of the collective's chance to add questions to the form that they think would be appropriate.
    • Put new questions in the "general questions" section of the review form. Filter out repeats, and reword questions if they're too vague or befuddled (you may need input from the author of the question to do this accurately).
    • Save a text copy in the reviewee's individual's directory in the personnel directory.
  4. Each collective member receives a form 2.5 to 3 weeks before the scheduled sit-down part of the review, and must fill it out.
    • The reviewee must also fill out a form for him or herself.
    • Names should be included on these forms. If answers are illegible, need clarification, or should be written in a more constructive way, the panel is responsible for returning the form to the appropriate person for changes.
    • Please note: the review panel is responsible for screening comments for appropriateness. Comments should focus on behavior and job performance and be specific. They shouldn't cite diseases or disabilities as the causes of problems (although the behavior resulting from these situations, if they are relevant to the functions of the job, may be cited). Obviously, reasons relating to race, gender, religion, or political beliefs are inappropriate.
    • Forms are returned to the review panel long enough before the review that the panel can tabulate the results (at least a couple of days).
  5. Tally all the collected forms into one master form
    • Don't include the reviewee's form that he/she filled out on him/herself (the self-evaluation) in the tally.
    • For the rated responses: list only the average of all the responses for each item. If there are extreme outliers, also list the median and range.
    • For the comments: list every comment without editing it.
    • For the final "Any other comments" section: list every comment, without editing it. If someone listed their name by thier comment in this section, list their name by their comment on the master form.
    • The final master form should look kinda like this, but with real stuff filled in:
Review for Joe-Bob Workerguy

Goal    average rating mean low high worker's own
Goal    average rating mean low high worker's own
Goal    average rating mean low high worker's own

General item   average rating mean low high worker's own
General item   average rating mean low high worker's own
General item   average rating mean low high worker's own


Other Comment
Other Comment - Betty Workerwoman
Other Comment
  1. Hold the sit-down part of the review
    • The whole review panel, as well as the reviewee, should be there.
    • Bring a copy of the Review Panel Questions. Also bring copies of the master form and a copy of the self-evaluation the reviewee filled out.
    • Show the reviewee the master form, and allow him/her to read through it. Also hand them their self-evaluation.
    • Then work through the questions, taking notes. Ask other questions if you feel like it's appropriate.
    • If problems need addressing, ask clarifying questions, try to get a sense of why the problem happened, and work with the reviewee to find a solution. Make the solution one of the reviewee's goals.
    • At the end of this portion of the review, the worker being reviewed should have a set of goals to work towards during the next year. These goals should have resulted from digesting feedback from other workers as well as the reviewee's own aims for the future. Read 'em all aloud at the end of the sit-down and be sure everyone's on the same page.
  2. Put a text copy of the goals, as well as the meeting notes into the reviewee's directory in the personnel directory. At the end of the process, the following documents should be in the reviewee's directory:
    1. Individual-specific review form
    2. Master summary
    3. Review meeting notes
    4. Individual's goals
  3. Report on the review at the next staff meeting.
    • If the reviewee is a probationary staff member, guide the process along. See the bottom sections of Collective Member Review Policy to figure out how to proceed.
  4. After the review has been digested, discard the paper forms. Yup, get rid of 'em.
  5. Rinse and repeat for other reviews that you're doing this season. You'll need to complete multiples of this process concurrently in order to get 2 or 3 reviews done in a timely manner.

Hooray! Thank you, review panel! You rock!