Difference between revisions of "Apprentice Review Form"

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m (spellling)
(added HR category)
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<td width="60%" align="left">Is the intern effective in meeting the needs of volunteers and donors and make them feel welcome at Free Geek?</td>
<td width="60%" align="left">Is the intern effective in meeting the needs of volunteers and donors and make them feel welcome at Free Geek?</td>
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Revision as of 13:45, 15 August 2007

This is the form that everyone on staff fills out when a paid-by-Free-Geek intern has his or her 3 month Intern Review. The intern's supervisor should print enough of these out so each collective member gets one.

Feedback for_________________________________________________ Date_________________


Please answer the following by marking with an X in the most appropriate box. Elaborate below the table for any response in the barely ever or never categories, and use the back if necessary for these or other comments.

Always Mostly Sometimes Barely Ever Never
Is the intern effective in meeting the needs of volunteers and donors and make them feel welcome at Free Geek?
Does this person get to work on time and return from breaks as expected?
Does this person communicate issues as they arise?

Please write at least a short response to the following questions.

  • What is most commendable about this person's contribution to Free Geek?

  • Is there anything you think this person could do to contribute to Free Geek that they are not currently doing?

  • Can you think of anything s/he could do to make your work environment better?

  • Any insights into how s/he might make their own life easier at Free Geek?

Please use the big white space below for additional comments you may have.