Group Volunteering Policy

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We want groups who come in regularly to be set up somewhat like Steve and his kids. The chaperones/people in charge when the group is volunteering should know enough about Free Geek, how things are laid out, and how to do volunteer tasks so the group can operate as its own self-contained unit.

To accomplish this, the group should first have a staff person willing to work them though the process who will communicate with them and train them on however many tasks they might like to do (probably 2 or 3 to start). This usually will include recycling, testing, cleaning, and/or receiving.

One, two, or more leaders then come in to meet with their staff person, who will explain the groups volunteering protocol, help them choose the tasks they want to do, talk to them about logging hours, and answer any questions. They should then take the tour and train -- 1.5-2 hours on each task so that they learn it and can teach it. They should probably do at least 2 sessions of training so they can learn Free Geek better. When they're done training, they can sign up their group on the schedule, even give the tour themselves when the group first comes in.