Install flashplayer

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Ubuntu dapper drake

Adobe has now released flash player 9 for Linux so the flash 7 installer in both Dapper and Edgy no longer works.There are two methods for installing flash on Ubuntu, both complicated.

Method 1 - apt-get

  1. bring up a terminal
  2. "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"
  3. uncomment the line for dapper-backports
  4. close nano, saving the file
  5. "sudo apt-get update"
  6. "sudo apt-get install -t dapper-backports flashplugin-nonfree"

Method 2 - download the tar.gz file

Browse to

click on Get Adobe Flashplayer

click the Download .tar.gz file link (You have read the user agreement, right?)

save to disk. In Ubuntu Dapper, this will be /home/<your user name>/Desktop. Other systems may download to /home/<your user name> by default.

open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t)

"cd Desktop" (on an Ubuntu box)

type tar -xvzf ins and then hit the tab key. The line then should look something like "tar -xvzf install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz".

Hit enter. This should result in a series of filenames being typed on the screen as the package is extracted.

enter cd install_flash_player_9_linux

enter sudo ./flashplayer-installer

follow the prompts. When it asks what browser to install it for, select m or a

for the root install, the path for firefox on Ubuntu Dapper is /usr/lib/firefox

you should now have flash installed on your freekbox. Open a browser and go to to test it.