Truck Grant Proposal

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History of Programs & Services

Who started your organization and why? What community need does it meet? What are its programs and services? Whom does it serve? How many people does it serve? (limit 200 words)

Oso Martin founded Free Geek in 2000 to divert reusable computers from landfills and place them into the hands of those in need. The media coined Free Geek's current slogan, "Helping the needy get nerdy since the beginning of the third millennium." Free Geek only seeks help from foundations to seed new programs because we have been financially solvent since 2005 due to a capacity building grant from Meyer Memorial Trust.
Free Geek provides Portland citizens a space to teach each other to become comfortable with technology throgh two core programs: Build and Adoption. With the Adoption Program, individuals volunteer at Free Geek for 24 hours and receive a computer, a class on how to use it, and a year of free tech support. The Build Program is a peer to peer educational program wherein volunteers learn to build computers, including building one for themselves. Build volunteers assemble all of Free Geek's computers including those earned through the Adoption program, given out as grants to other charitable organizations, and sold in our Thrift Store.
Free Geek's programs alone have served over 2500 volunteers in 2006 alone. In the same year we supported over 200 organizations who helped us distribute computers around Portland and the world.

Project Goals & Outcomes

What is the need for this project? What are its goals? What steps will be taken to implement the project? What will be different as a result of the project? Who will be served? (Limit: 600 words)

Free Geek was founded with the intent of rerouting older technology from the landfills and placing it into the hands of those who cannot afford state of the art technology. Since its inception in 2000 Free Geek has protected the Portland community from hundreds of tons of electronic waste leeching into our drinking water and has connected thousands of individuals to access to technology and the internet. The service that Free Geek provides is dramatically limited by the availability of only one location to drop off old electronics and to earn a free computer.
In any given week, Free Geek receives an average of six requests for pickup service. Certain trends have emerged from these requests. Individuals frequently face the barrier of living outside of the immediate location of Free Geek; they live in a far corner of the city or in the neighboring suburbs. Pickup requests from large businesses are largely due to a copious amount of equipment that cannot be delivered to Free Geek without hiring a moving company. Due to these inconveniences, such businesses and individuals will end up merely discarding these items in a non-environmentally responsible fashion OR simply sending them straight to recycling without considering reuse.
With the acquisition of a boxtruck Free Geek can increase its positive impact on the community in three significant ways.
  1. "Drop Off" events in neighborhoods throughout Portland and the surrounding suburbs will provide a convenient way for residents to responsibly recycle their electronic waste.
  2. Pickup service for large businesses which utilize an abundance of computer equipment. Such businesses upgrade their equipment on such a frequent cycle that the equipment may be only a year or two old. Consequently, this newer equipment enables Free Geek to increase the quality of the computers we give away.
  3. Transport computer equipment to community centers and schools to provide offsite classes and set up computer labs
Free Geek has been unable to partner with various school groups for computer education because school funding for extracurricular activities – especially transportation for these activities – is non-existent. While Free Geek can currently provide offsite opportunities for volunteering, we have been unable to provide transportation of the computer and peripherals. With the influx of newer, higher quality computers from large businesses, Free Geek will not only be able to pass on high quality computers to economically marginalized school districts, but also to deliver them and empower students by teaching them how to use their computers.
With the recent passage of Oregon's HB2626, an Electronic Product Recycling Program has been created which will dramatically alter the computer recycling industry. Having a boxtruck will ensure that Free Geek remains competitive with for-profit recyclers and to continue disseminating refurbished computers to the community. Additionally, the switch from analog to digital televisions will result in a huge influx of televisions in the upcoming year. In order for Free Geek to maintain sufficient warehouse space, we will need to make frequent deliveries of donated televisions to commercial recyclers. Essentially, with the acquisition of a boxtruck Free Geek seeks to amplify diversion of electronic waste from landfills by providing a convenient pickup service for commercial and residential populations while simultaneously increasing the rate of computer reuse to underserved communities. Free Geek plans to acquire the truck and necessary insurance, create staff training, and implement pre-existing plans for neighborhood drop off events and computer delivery service.

Organization Qualifications

Describe the organization's qualifications to undertake or manage the project. If you are requesting technical equipment, please include the qualifications of the person(s) suggesting the particular purchases, as well as the qualifications of the persons within the organization to install, operate, and/or maintain the equipment. (Limit: 200 words)

Free Geek has demonstrated a solid commitment to the community for the last seven years. Free Geek is a unique organization which excels at reusing older technology and we have successfully expanded every aspect of our organization. Allow me to demonstrate Free Geek's progressive adaptability through some statistics.
  • In 2000, 65 volunteers logged 737 hours
  • In 2003, 1533 volunteers logged 34,690 hours
  • In 2006, 2660 volunteers logged 54,315 hours
If only 75% of all volunteers from 2000-2006 earned a free computer – a conservative estimate considering most individuals volunteer at Free Geek specifically to earn a free computer – that would result in almost 8,000 computers diverted from the landfill and into community members' hands.
People donating hardware
  • 2000: 23 people
  • 2003: 4795 people
  • 2006, 11,116 people
Recycling Numbers
  • 2000: 2.22 total tonnage recycled
  • 2003: 138.84 total tonnage recycled
  • 2005: 417.70 total tonnage recycled

As an entire organization Free Geek is clearly capable of adapting itself to an increase in incoming hardware. Free Geek is ready to raise the bar on its service to the community and is well-suited to do so.

Project Budget

Briefly summarize how MMT funds will be used. (limit 50 words)

The MMT Funds will be used to jump start a large computer pick up and drop off program. We will be purchasing a vehicle large enough to pick up 6 pallets (100 computers).
  • 1 BOX TRUCK, DIESEL with LIFT GATE $20,000
  • 1 OR registration & DEQ inspection $150
  • gass per year ???
  • 1 insurance ??? still looking that one up.
  • cost for year of ongoing maintenance & sinage $ 5,000

How did you arrive at the expense amounts? (i.e. bid, catalog, hourly wage, etc.)

Truck prices were found by calling local dealers and searched on the internet for used box trucks made in the last 3 years. We estimated the additional staff hours based on conversations with organizations who have vehicle programs like hours. The

Community Involvement

Describe any volunteer or community assistance with the project, in-kind donations, or collaborations with other community groups (Limit: 200 words)

We plan to increase our collaboration with neighborhood associations to help their neighbors get their computers into a reuse/recycle stream instead of a landfill. We will be working with many local businesses and the local goverment to get their old computers reused in the community.

Project Sustainability

Describe how the project will be sustained after the grant period. (Limit: 150 words).

The acquisition of a truck to pickup hardware donations from residential and commercial areas will result in an increase in voluntary cash donations. We predict that the convenience of this service will fuel the desire of those served by this project to voluntarily donate money to Free Geek. Additionally, the rate of payment for raw materials increases when they are delivered directly to the vendor. Free Geek's raw materials from recycled equipment are currently picked up by each vendor and therefore Free Geek's recycling revenue will increase. Lastly, the higher quality computers which Free Geek will receive from businesses will sell for a higher price in our Thrift Store, thus increasing our revenue. We believe these three streams of revenue will increase significantly enough to fully cover the project's ongoing expenses.