
From FreekiWiki
< User:Shawn
Revision as of 20:02, 8 February 2008 by Shawn (talk | contribs)
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  • KBOO show
  • receiving
  • finish phones: replace ext. labels, final set copy, re-recorded staff directory message, change keys on fd phone, remind users to set up voicemail, need mbox for serge, looked through phones queue, updated ticket
  • silent auction: wrap-up. calls, tell nathan to pick up unsold.
  • adoption classes for next 2 weeks. talked to liane, emailed rob.
  • health plan: searched for and emailed a dump to laurel and richard
  • front desk. found wormhole in credit card machine.


  • Build shift: got a build assistant, Gutsy/burmese/libdvd installs
  • prebuild
  • silent auction: hunting people down
  • Leo fund: sent out donation jar materials
  • SVN issues: found martin to fix 'em


  • website: old news to new pages, update leo page, first-pass update of staff page
  • read/respond to emails
  • Subs: asked ebeth about fd
  • facilities: upstairs phone/network cable stringing (didn't finish)
  • advanced adoption class: back-up/tech support, discussed sound dampening
  • sergio review: filled out


  • receiving - 2 shifts
  • finished up leo donation jar
  • read email
  • leo fund: pass off big donor
  • silent auction: re-contact winners
  • Talked to Tony, recorded in RT
  • Found kegs, gave Liane info about return


  • receiving
  • email: read/respond
  • set up office a little: networking, terminal
  • receiving-donation form: made changes, then matteo said reuse wanted it different, then passed off to reuse
  • advanced adoption class signup sheet: added questions
  • Michael/Kyr and insurance broker re: Leo insurance
  • front desk
  • media mentions on website
  • word press: looked around, made list of desired features of new site
  • Commies mtg.


  • HR mtg
  • build wkshop
  • read email/respond
  • filled out darryl review
  • update outreach RT queue
  • room use request: start to figure out if recurring mtg. can happen
  • starting to wrap up leo details
  • PR meeting minder response


  • front desk
  • sort out sms intern & call sms
  • reply to tony re: pse computers
  • action mtg.
  • clarify job description
  • record phone greeting
  • backup for adoption class
  • talk to michael about topics to teach in adoption class to head off tech support calls
  • replenish hardware grant handouts


  • staff mtg.
  • receiving
  • arrange soap donation
  • nathan: art take-down - find matteo for dates
  • meeting room phone admin
  • read through kaiser medical plan details


  • chat with matthew about incident in store, changes at free geek, and future of his volunteer time


  • receiving
  • set up google alerts to comb for "Free Geek"
  • volunteer letter for court
  • talked to kathie about future of her job
  • researched and called Elders in Action
  • Researched and began documenting linux publishing programs for adopters and IPRC tour
  • front desk
  • room use request/linux clinic chaperone arrangement/communications


  • build workshop
  • finished desktop publishing documentation
  • PR meeting reminder
  • talked w/jeff about citywide wifi project
  • HR meeting
  • got really, really tired


  • Front desk
  • Modems: sent email to production, but thought twice about that later, sent email to adoption teachers to watch out and install if necessary
  • resolution meeting
  • worked on project plans for job tasks
  • listened in on adoption class
  • made contact with potential linux clinic chaperone
  • updated outreach page so people could find those in subcommittees
  • began using project management software for job tasks - exhausting


  • staff meeting
  • receiving
  • cleaned out and started putting office together
  • emailed reuse: notification of spec increases
  • emailed inreach/kbees: who's in charge of vol. packets?
  • called back voc. rehab - message
  • called potential intern - scheduled meeting
  • called kaiser people: check deductions for cliff/forrest
  • found old kaiser invoices for richard: oso healthcare
  • replied to a few emails: outreach, PSE freekbox
  • read office cood resumes


  • Replied to C7 email
  • Read email


  • Front desk
  • Read/reply to a few emails
  • Work out internship sharing with Laurel
  • Figure out what mtgs. Sam chaperones. Email.
  • RT queue for internships/cleaned out email list
  • More front desk
  • Commies meeting


  • Build workshop
  • Read email
  • Start creating calendar/timeline for projects
  • Call another vol. cood to meet for advice
  • Talk to Laurel about next internship steps
  • register for conference this Sat.
  • Prebuild


  • Action meeting
  • Read email
  • Interviewed new volunteer intern
  • Made small box of tabling supplies
  • Talked about office cood. candidates
  • Schedule time to talk to another vol. cood about outreach methods
  • Map out schedule to talk about internships with staff
  • calendaring/planning
  • Support Adoption Teacher: install modems, DVD player


  • staff meeting
  • hug sergio
  • receiving
  • talk with Kathie about her job and record notes
  • talk with Michael K. about tabling on Tuesday
  • talk with Marie about quilting project and timing
  • Email inreach to pimp quilting project to volunteers
  • Culled paper and email intern forms
  • Created/sent Intern Talks schedule request to schedulers
  • cleaned/organized ryukin home directory a bit
  • Composed/sent email to Linux Clinic key requestor
  • Researched nonprofit contacts for media kit/made spreadsheet
  • recorded hours


  • outreach meeting
  • lots and lots of front desk (trained marykate)
  • intern with Jeff
  • mediated dispute from thrift store


  • HR meeting
  • build workshop
  • health plan: marykate and forrest
  • website maintenance: posted store internship
  • recruitment: asked ian to maintain website
  • media kit: requested kits from local non-profits
  • media kit/website: PSU business intern? request emailed
  • prebuild
  • Interns: schedule meetings with staff


  • internship creation: distro meeting talk
  • internships: talked to laurel 'bout program
  • leo fund: gathered info, began updating website
  • adoption class support: codecs, modems
  • media kit: returned phone call from non-profit pr person
  • vol. outreach: returned phone call from another vol. cood.
  • internships: more staff scheduling for intern talk


  • staff meeting
  • receiving


  • front desk (2 shifts)
  • media kit: replied to IRCO PR person
  • internships: web page commented out, worked through RT queue, let staff know re: Jim and David


  • HR meeting
  • build workshop
  • HR minutes
  • worked on stalled computer in build workshop
  • talked to jeff about offsite donations, website
  • outreach: gave brochures to hawthorne hostel worker, discussed IPRC tour
  • roomuse: usergroup contact, updated wiki
  • interns: talked with luiz
  • prebuild


  • action meeting
  • interns: talked with Ali
  • planning: updated calendar and project plan
  • adoption class assist
  • interns: talk with matteo
  • talk with laurel re: adoption, interns, scp-ing to ryukin
  • leo page
  • vol. outreach: reviewed and made some changes to vol. recruitment wiki page


  • staff meeting
  • receiving
  • vol. outreach: met with molly from restore (not incredibly informative for vol. outreach like i thought, but interesting to learn how things work there)
  • website maintenance: kboo show on media.php and pressreleases index, specs, some stats
  • phones: make RT ticket for a couple things needed
  • outreach: emergency ad for resource guide