Spanish Phrase Book

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This page is set up with an eye toward someday creating a physical phrase book. Add phrases or vocabulary you find yourself wishing you know how to say in Spanish.

Snippets of phrases are useful too.

Add translations if you know them.

For clarity, I suggest typing English in bold, Spanish in normal text.

General Phrases

Welcome to Free Geek
Bienvenido(s) a Free Geek
I don't understand.
No entiendo.
No hablo español.
I don't speak Spanish.
One moment.
Un momento
Wait here.
I will find someone who can translate.
I will be right back.
I will go get a brochure for you

On the Phone

Please hold.
I am going to find someone who speaks Spanish.
I will transfer you to...
Someone who can help you
Someone who speaks Spanish
One moment
Un momento

At Reception

The first thing is "all volunteers need to participate in a tour of our facility".
La primer cosa es "todos los voluntarios necesitan participar en una gira de nuestro edificio".
We offer tours in Spanish every Saturday at two o'clock in the afternoon.
Ofrecemos giras en español cada sábado a las dos de la tarde.
Can you come back on Saturday at two?
¿Puede usted volver el sábado a las dos?

In the Thrift Store

Here is your receipt.
Este es su recibo.
Do you need a...
¿Necesita un(a)...
Do you want a...
¿Quiere un(a)...
Like this one?
¿Como este?
Can you write it down?
¿Me lo puedes escribir?
Can you draw it for me?
¿Me lo puedes dibujar?
Here is a copy of our policies.
Este es una copia de nuestras policas.
This item is...
Este articulo es...
...As-Is. It is untested and not exchangeable.
...vendido sin garantia. No ha sido probado y no es intercambiable.
...exhangable for seven days. puede intercambiar por siete dias.
You must have your receipt with you.
Necesita tener su recibo con usted.

Computer Vocabulary Words



Video Card

Audio Card






Operating System



Hard drive


Power Supply