Meeting to decide on the One True Wiki

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Revision as of 11:41, 21 October 2004 by MichaelWestwind (talk | contribs)
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How does Friday the 29th at 5 pm sound for people? This is assuming that peoples schedules for this week are similar that week as well? Marie is unable to come until after the 28th.

Sounds good to me - MichaelWestwind

This is Richard. Assuming we do this in the week starting tomorrow, here's my schedule of availability:

  • Thursday, Oct 21: 1-3, after 5
  • Friday, Oct 22: 1:30-3, 5-6
  • Tuesday, Oct 26: 2-3, after 4
  • Wednesday, Oct 27: 11-1, 2-3, 5:30-7

When can you do it?


  • Thursday, Oct 21: 5-7
  • Friday, Oct 22: 3-6
  • Tuesday, Oct 26: 3-6
  • Wednesday, Oct 27: 9-6


  • thursday: off
  • friday: after 3
  • tuesday: after 3
  • wednesday: nope


  • Thursday, Oct 21: 1-3
  • Friday, Oct 22: after 2
  • Tuesday, Oct 26: 12-3, after 7
  • Wednesday, Oct 27: anytime
day richard ronb stillflame Michael
thursday 1-3,5+ 5-7 off 1-3,7+
friday 1:30-3,5-6 3-6 3+ 2+
tuesday 2-3,4+ 3-6 3+ 12-3,7+
wednesday 11-1,2-3,5:30-7 9-6 no yes