Old Hiring and Job Calendar 2009

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Revision as of 12:54, 27 May 2009 by MichaelWestwind (talk | contribs) ({{cleanup}} or perhaps we should just delete it.)
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January, 2009

  • 8 Kevin' 6 month anniversary, review?
  • 10 Charles' tentative last day
  • Post FD Internship

February, 2009

  • Beginning of month: Tony's 3-month probationary goal setting
  • 7: FD Internship applications due
  • 10-14: Process FD applications
  • 17-21: Interviews for FD internship
  • 25: FD Intern starts! Welcome Tim Webster
  • Ian's probationary review - Ali & Dave
  • Darryl's probationary review - Ali & Dave

March, 2009

  • 7 Ryan Niebur hired (pending paperwork, etc.)
  • 9 Sam Nelson's 3-month review.
  • 14 Renee Harger's last day as a Paid Intern. 6 months are up.

April, 2009

  • 14: George Clay's 1st Day!

Bold text