Board of Directors

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Free Geek's 501(c)(3) status requires that we have a board of directors. And that carries with it certain implications, not the least that the BOD is responsible for seeing that decisions are responsible and in the best interest of the corporation. Which also implies that the BOD would have the right/responsibility to last word on any decisions made by Council. There has been an active discussion on the purpose and makeup of the Board.

Active projects

Board Meetings

There is a Meeting Template that may be used when setting up a new Board Meeting. (Remember to copy commitments from the previous meeting's minutes.)

Occasionally the board will have to make decisions via email: our policy on that is outlined here.

Current Board Members

Board members are elected to two year terms, except where indicated. (When the board re-formed in October 2005, half of the positions were for one year terms to implement staggering of terms.)

Marie Deatherage, Chair
Director, Communication & Learning, Meyer Memorial Trust; current volunteer.
Marie (aka Maria Deathstar) aspires to be a geek, but she's only a wannabe at this point. However, she loves Free Geek with all her heart so we pretend like we think she's a geek. A journalist, a geography professor, and a disability rights advocate in former lives, Marie is especially interested in helping Free Geek become better known among people who have the capacity to give money to geeks. Marie wants to be a documentary filmmaker when she grows up.
Initially elected September 2005
Secretary, October 2005 - October 2006
Chair, October 2007 - present
Third term, October 2008 - October 2010
Laurel Hoyt, Secretary
Former Free Geek Education Coordinator; current volunteer. Researcher, Post-Carbon Institute.
Initially elected September 2005
Chairperson, October 2005 - October 2006
Secretary, October 2006 - Present
Third term, October 2008 - October 2010
Seamus Campbell, Treasurer
Current volunteer. Programmer. Xymurgist. Former Free Geek Education-Coordinator Coordinator.
second term, ends October 2009
Treasurer, October 2005 - October 2007
Chair, October 2007 - July 2009
Treasurer, July 2009 - present
Jon Van Oast, Director
Current volunteer. Programmer, code-mercenary.
In order to avoid having to fix bugs in the DOS-based SMTP gateway he wrote for a Novell network, coupled with the fact that perl4 in DOS was frustrating him, Jon built his first linux box in 1992. It ran for 2 years hidden above the acoustic ceiling tiles in sub-basement level B of the university medical center where Jon worked. It ran for 4 more years there after he left, until he showed up in the middle of the night on a trip back home and took it with him back to Portland. Now you know how he and linux fell in love.
second term, ends October 2010
Anne Glazer, Director
Intellectual Property Attorney
A geek about Free Geek. Crypto-hippie. In her spare time, Anne likes to collect, sort, cut and fold used paper.
first term, ends October 2010
Curt Pederson, Director
(bio needed)
Curt Pederson comes to us from the OSU Open Source Labs and is the CIO for the Oregon University system.
first term, ends October 2009
Sayer Jones
(bio needed)
first term, ends October 2009
Selected to fill vacated term at Council Meeting on April 15, 2009.

Past Board Members

this may not be a full list

  • Bob Griggs, October 2005 - March 2006
  • Joe Buckmaster, October 2005 - August 2006
  • Wren Ng Thornton, October 2005 - August 2007
  • Aaron Burt, October 2006 - October 2007
  • Tim Collier, ??? - October 2008
  • Oso Martin, August 2005 - February 2009, Free Geek founder, original incorporator of Free Geek.
  • Brent Campbell
  • Laura Berg
  • Jeff Finz
  • Kenneth McGair
  • Jim Deibele
  • John Telford
  • Michelle Brooks
  • Mark Neiman-Ross
  • Dennis Bridges
  • Lewis Barr

Board Committees

Point person: Sayer
Intergalactic, Trademark Licensing, etc.
Point person: Anne
Recruitment and development
Point person: Laurel
Relationship Development
Point person: Marie
Additional members: Shannon