Laptop Printme Notes
What would be helpful to have included in the Printme notes for a completed laptop? Be explicit and explain why this is helpful.
Tech Support
- battery life (in minutes) so that we don't get scammed when a laptop sold with a known low battery life gets brought into Tech Support (and end up replacing their battery with a good one)
- key combination that toggles the wifi on/off or if it's a physical switch where it is on the laptop (to reduce the number of laptops that come in because the "wifi broke").
Thrift Store
- Thrift store seconds the battery life suggestion. We run in to problems all the time where the original printme is lost, so we don't know the battery life. Jesse 01:30, 15 April 2010 (UTC)
- Thrift store customers often ask us what year a system/laptop was manufactured. I think it would help if we had this number in the notes. Ian 18:20, 16 April 2010 (UTC)
Laptop Build
- PCMCIA card or onboad wireless