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Who Am I?

I am a Reuse Program Coordinator for Laptops and Desktops, a Technocrat, and a Half ASS. Before being hired on at Free Geek, I was a volunteer Desktop & Server Build Instructor and Advanced Tester. I completed my BS in Mathematics at PSU (more or less) as of Spring 2011. I like short walks to work, burritos, C, Bash, Minecraft, Nethack, Neal Stephenson, John Steinbeck, Robert Heinlein (guiltily), Feminism, and kitties. My kitty's name is Finch, and he has acquired a taste for my blood.

I can currently be found running frantically between the Wine Cellar, Laptops, Desktops, Tech Support, and everywhere in between.


As of 14 June 2011

  1. Familiarize myself Laptops' procedures, methods, and layout,
    • Learn Gateway, HP, and IBM/Lenovo models, hardware, and nuances,
    • Research and regularly document price ranges and Linux compatibility with the above brands,
    • Review Laptops documentation, and form strategies for streamlining the integration of Laptop production into Desktop Build.
  2. Research and analyze production in Desktops and Laptops,
    • Consider potential volunteer Build Instructors,
    • Devise strategies for recruiting quality Laptop builders.
  3. Review and revise Desktop troubleshooting documentation,
  4. Learn and implement maildrop rules so I won't have to wrestle with Thunderbird's lackluster filters anymore.



  • Optimizing Laptop production,
    • Integrating Laptop production into Desktops,
    • Updating Laptop documentation and organization (specifically IBM/Lenovo shelves).


  • Continue SysAdmin self-education,
    • Develop System Administrator's Curriculæ,
    • Document forays into concepts, utilities, and languages.
  • Acquire a Mighty Server,
    • Configure and maintain a(n):
      1. IRC server,
      2. Mailserver,
      3. LDAP server,
      4. Incremental backup server,
  • Extol the virtues of IRC to anyone and everything that will listen,
    • Devise strategies for integrating IRC more into Free Geek infrastructure,
    • Develop irssi + screen tutorials/training courses.
  • Invoke spontaneous dance parties.


These tentative objectives and time frames will surely keep me ON TOP OF EVERYTHING EVER.

By 25 June 2011

I plan on being suitably comfortable and trained in my areas, and to begin spending more of my time and energy on Reuse Projects and Collective responsibilities.

By 25 July 2011

I hope to have all of the items in my 14 June 2011 plan knocked out, and to have some tangible elements of the Reuse Projects in place.

By 25 August 2011

I intend to have fought a land war in Asia, stolen the crown jewels, and faced a Sicilian while death was on the line.


Port Forwarding
Laptop QC Checklist for Builders