Notes from THM 2011 breakout group on funding and public awareness

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Report to the Free Geek Board of Directors
1st Annual Town Hall Meeting, Sunday, October 2, 2011

Funding and Public Awareness of Free Geek

The small group on increasing Funding and Public Awareness of Free Geek focused on a few main themes. We brainstormed ideas concerning: Fundraising, Public Relations, and community/communications problems.


  • Participate in the combined Federal Campaign
  • Capital campaign
  • Public clinic/computer diagnosis drive
  • Monetize tech support and expertise (expand to non-freekboxen)
  • Make/sell custom or special skins and covers for phones, tablets, etc
  • Offer and teach higher level classes (such as Sys Admin)
  • Connect with IT organizations for donations (ex: make presentations at the monthly meetings of organizations)
  • Follow up with volunteers for monetary donations
  • Can we use other Free Geeks to help with funding
  • Partner with universities for student interns

Public relations

  • Public affairs/Public relations as a dedicated position
  • Coordinated customer-relations or public communications plan
  • Community radio and other media organizations for advertising (newspaper ads, flyers, TV, radio, schools)
  • Follow through with grantees, donors, and volunteers
  • Serious media contacts list
  • Improve customer relations in Receiving and the Front Desk


  • Communicate with volunteers through phone, email, surveys, etc to communicate current organizational needs (event planning, projects, etc)
  • Keep community and media abreast of goings on (through same channels as above) including also, newsletter, photos, video
  • Use database for outreach efforts, donor thank yous, and messages to other stakeholders