Laptop Wishlist

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Revision as of 13:11, 22 January 2013 by Scellef (talk | contribs) (Updated)
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Projects and supplies the Laptop Staff would like:

better AC adapter storage/management 12/2012 In Progress
Instructor Workspace 1/2013 P L In Progress
Better RAM storage 12/2012 P
Storage cap systems 12/2012
Remove crap from the walls 12/2012 S P
Paint 12/2012 L
Staff cubbies in locked closets 12/2012
Better accessories incoming system 12/2012
better ambiance 12/2012
schedule board that can be easily updated 12/2012
Inventory color tags for incoming machines 12/2012 P L
2-3 new metro shelving units 12/2012 S P L Done
6 additional shelves for existing metro shelf units 12/2012 P L Done
less dead space 12/2012 S P L Done
replace second recycling cart with metro shelf 12/2012 S P L Done
Replace grey shelf with a metro shelf 12/2012 P Done
more accessable research stations, smaller footprint 12/2012 S P Done
Better HDD storage 12/2012 P L Done