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If you're a keyholder for a group that uses Free Geek for meetings, please see the section at the bottom of this page entitled "Closing for Meetings".

Standard staff closing considerations/tasks


  • Collect tills (donor desk and store) and lost and found items and store securely in Escape Hatch
  • Remove open food from kitchen, fill and run dishwasher
  • Turn off all monitors (except servers)
  • Ensure no one is hiding in bathrooms
  • Keep an eye out for loose hard drives (esp. laptops) and dishes (esp. w/ food) in random places

Door locks to check:

  • All external doors (Warehouse x3, Receiving, Donor Desk, Store, bike room)
  • Internal doors: Mezzanine, servers x2, store x2, laptops x3, warehouse, tech support

Lights to turn/leave on (all others go off):

  • Light by volunteer desk (on the wall), light in Macland, lights in the cage

Miscellaneous items to check:

  • Volunteer chairs should be off sidewalk
  • Bring in smokers' oasis

Closing for Meetings:

  1. When your members arrive, make sure they know where the restrooms and kitchen are. Ask them only to use those areas and the meeting room.
  2. When you're ready to leave, make sure everyone else is out of the building before.
  3. If Free Geek staff or cleaning crew are still in the building, let them know that you're leaving and skip the steps below.
  4. Turn off lights & fans in restrooms.
  5. Turn off lights in Library / Internet room (just outside kitchen).
  6. Make sure external door near alarm pad is closed.
  7. Arm the alarm by puching in your code. You now have 30 secs to make sure the door is closed behind you (plenty of time).
  8. Turn off the lights in hall on your way out (left side of hall).
  9. Exit the door and make sure it latches behind you.