Receiving Calendar

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This page is being migrated to a documnent of Free Geek's Google Drive.
Once the migration is done, we will post a link to the new page.

This is a page for pre-announcing major drop offs and such.

"If you can, encourage them to do a drop-off between 10:45 am and 1:00 pm (Receiving is usually busy at 10:00 am every morning because of simultaneously getting donations and training volunteers. However, two staff members are scheduled for the first half of the day, so it's at least preferable to have them come then).

Also, discourage Thursday OR Friday morning drop-offs because Free Geek gets off-site donations then, so we don't have as many push-carts available to handle that kind of volume."


Please include:

  • company name:
   * contact person:
   * contact's phone #:
   * day & date:
   * estimated time of arrival:
   * pallets yes/no:
   * Forklift needed yes/no:
   * estimate on amount:
   * FG contact (that's you!):

Please be sure to tell the company contact:

  • About CRT & Television fees if applicable.
  • If you can, encourage them to do a drop-off between 10:45 am and 1:00 pm (Receiving/Sorting is usually busy at 10:00 am every morning because of simultaneously getting donations and training volunteers.
  • Also, discourage Thursday drop-offs because Free Geek gets off-site donations then, so we don't have as many push-carts available to handle that kind of volume.
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY: "We are not open on Sundays and Mondays and do not arrange for drop offs on those days."

Once you have collected all of the above information and selected a date that works for them and for us:

  • If possible verify with the Contact via Phone or email, summarizing all of the above information.
  • Include the above statement about the days we are closed.
  • Notify recycling at freegeek dot org

New Drop-offs

Pioneer Pump

  * contact person: Travis
  * contact's phone #: 503-266-4155
  * day & date: 4/22
  * estimated time of arrival: 1 pm?
  * pallets yes/no: no
  * Forklift needed yes/no: no
  * estimate on amount: 40 phones, 30 kbs+mice, 1CRT + 7 LCDs, 3 Printers
  * FG contact (that's you!): Misty


  * contact person:  Jessie Sticka
  * contact's phone #:503-349-2526
  * day & date:  1pm Tues 4/22
  * pallets yes/no:  4 pallets
  * Forklift yes
  1 pallet 20-30 systems
  1 pallet multi line phones 6 tubs or so
  1 pallet of 5 printers
  1 pallet 5 tubs of misc keyboard, mice, cords
  * FG contact:  Misty