Budget Reorganization

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Revision as of 13:30, 28 October 2005 by Rfs (talk | contribs)
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   at              [label="Is it an AT?\n(not an ATX)"]
   brand           [label="Is it a\nDELL or a COMPAQ?"]
   fan             [label="Does it have an\nINTERNAL FAN?"]
   recycle         [label="RECYCLE IT"]
   start           [label="START HERE", shape="box"]
   test            [label="TEST IT\nDoes it work?"]
   thriftstore     [label="Take it to the\nTHRIFT STORE"]
   watts           [label="Is the\noutput wattage\nLESS THAN 300W?"]
   wholesale       [label="Put it on the\nWHOLESALE SHELF"]

   start -> brand
   brand -> recycle [label="YES"]
   brand -> at [label="NO"]
   at -> recycle [label="YES"]
   at -> watts [label="NO"]
   watts -> fan [label="YES"]
   watts -> test [label="NO"]
   test -> thriftstore [taillabel="YES"]
   test -> recycle [label="NO"]
   fan -> wholesale [label="YES"]
   fan -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]

