User:Matteo/Matteo's Free Geek space usage idea

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I decided to stop talking and start wrighting. Even tho i suck at it. This plan is my thoughts on FreeGeek Space Usage and my answer to the Meta Question.

FreeGeek Is currentley set up in a way that creats alot of opertunity for goods to be broaken, and for things to be miss placed or stored for ever. Freegeek is also not exzackley 100% handy cap assesable. The end gool that I am trying to creat is maxamem use of space, creat more opertunities for edudation, and to break down more of what we recycle to creat a better sorce of income.

The plan below is only being started. I have given my self the dead line of Sunday December to finish it. I wish for every one to poke holes in it and hope fully take many parts of it for implementation at freegeek. many of thes ideas are not mine and some of them show up in other peoples plans, and mindes.

The Plan

this is where the plan will go