User:Matteo/Matteo's Free Geek space usage idea

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Revision as of 01:29, 2 December 2005 by (talk) (A few first steps (not fully formed) - woops I forgot to sing in, matteo)
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I decided to stop talking and start writing. Even though I suck at it. This plan is my thoughts on FreeGeek Space Usage and my answer to the Meta Question.

Free Geek is currently set up in a way that creates a lot of opportunity for goods to be broken, and for things to be misplaced or stored forever. Free Geek is also not exactley 100% handicap accessable. The end goal that I am trying to create is maximum use of space, create more opportunities for education, and to break down more of what we recycle to create a better source of income.

The plan below is only being started. I have given myself the deadline of Sunday December 4, 2005 to finish it. I wish for every one to poke holes in it and hopefully take many parts of it for implementation at Free Geek. Many of thes ideas are not mine and some of them show up in other people's plans, and minds.

The Plan

Build mobile units for finnished Goods (could be computers, keyboards, Printers, Moniters....)

  • I invition larg boxes that could hold between 9 and 12 computers. build these boxes/shelving on pallets. this will make the unit moveable and stackable. these boxes would be stored in the classroom.
  • We may be able to work out something with the rebuild center to creat these boxes
  • fill these boxes with the goal of building computers faster than they come in.
    • if needed, increasing shifts
  • this will clear out most of the shelving where current freekboxes are stored.
  • We may creat a situation where people may need a pallet jack and have to walk to the WHSE to get it.
  • Take out the section of shelving that is closest to build and stack two of these boxes on top of each other the one on the bottem is for tested moniters the one on top for "stuff"

Creat 2 double doors into the WHSE.

  • increas the size of the current door
  • creat a new door from recieving into the WHSE.
  • Guy L. will spear head this, he knows how to rent the equipment.
  • Find a grant to pay for the rentel, I bet we have the best grant wrighters in north america
  • Printers could more easley be recieved into recieving
  • This would creat the opertunity for recieving and eval to use pallets to transport things to recycling

Rearange parts of recieving

  • Remove the wall to advanced recieving
  • Move keyboard, mouse and sound testing into that nook
  • put in Temp shelving where keyboard testing is in now
  • Move MacLand to the first section of that shelf, The rest of the shelf is advanced recieving.
    • items in advanced recieving should be sorted and moved as fast as regular recieving
    • new tasks for advanced recieving could include finding manuals for the items on the internet so they may sell quicker in the stoor.
  • creat better shelving in recieving to hold boxes to sort loose items that come in.
    • use strong visual Q's on the boxes to show what goes in them and where they should go. Creat a system for easley changing the purpose of a box. For exampel a plastic slot to slide the instructions into. creat a situation where somone could move a couple of these boxes to there next location with out many questions.