Council 2006 07
- Date:
- Facilitator:
- Scribe:
- Minutes Checker:
- Place:
Call the meeting to order
- Are the scribe and facilitator there?
- Check in - ask how everybody's doing.
- Have everybody say their name (important at Council meetings.) Scribe: note names below. (under == Attendance ==)
- You can delete this section from the minutes.
martin, richard, oso, kerm, bill, seamus, shawn, wren, phil, serge, liane, marie, wes
Old Commitments
- Martin will write about escalation of concerns for the wiki. DONE
- Providence working group will meet and report regularly to Council IN PROGRESS
- Oso: Phil hiring report DONE
Reports from other working groups.
Financial stuff
- Richard or Seamus:
- things look good in the last quarter
Geek Fair
- Spent $2800, made $1800 fair events (probly more), made $2000 in the store. things went well.
- 4 areas if concern: volunteer retention, space usage, expenses, culture changes.
- Suggestions have been sent to staff, regardless of providence - we should be doing most of these things already.
a/v hiring
- trying to fit into a grant we, well, didn't fit. oso takes blame for lack of communication. some grants have hirings built in. we do not want open-ended positions created out of grants, we need to be careful about keeping on mission, and council needs to make these decisions.
- this grant is not diring anyone anymore (capitalization!), looking for alternate funding.
Old Business
process recommendation
- Martin Presents
- They are good. put more in:
- We'll be acting on a few of these suggestions soon. Namely, shawn will do a 10-minute presentation at the start of the next council meeting on a facet of participating in meetings run by consensus.
intern hiring
- Martin presents
- some of the concerns that martin feels like he's heard center around how we decide whetherr a job is "low stress" or not. All interns now receive the same hourly wage as collective members. It's been figured out that "low stress"=not having to attend meetings. low responsibility may be a better descriptor.
- Richard took some time to explain the history of the internship
- Program: give some folks who wouldn't necessarily fit into the collective a chance to get some experience and pay them for helping us out at the same time.
New Business
copy from email list's agenda additions
Item 1
- presenter's name
- summarize presentation
- record conversation
New Commitments
New commitments, and Carry-Overs copied from above.
- name - commitment
- name - commitment
- etc.
Next Meeting
- Facilitator:
- Scribe:
- Minutes Checker:
- Reporters to other meetings?
- Date and time:
- Place:
- Unfinished business for the next meeting?