hey i'm michael...
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Character Name: Inhuman
Title: Pyrotechnic
Race: Punk
Major: Socialization
Minor: Coding
Goal: Fun
Alignment: organic software libre
Personality: Reformer
Inventory: wallet, knife, altoids, pen
- Followers: 20
- Hours: 12
- Tickets: 3
- Gremlins: 4
- Quirks: On hardcopy
This is a FG-RPG character
Create your own character, and join the fun!
- Social
- Conflict Resolution: Good
- Schmooze: Execellent
- Consensus: Mediocre
- Working: Execellent
- Physical
- Combat/Dance: Good
- Find: Fair
- Gaming: Superb
- Gizmo Transport: Fair
- Brainful
- Answering: Good
- Tech Savvy: Good
- Disaster Awareness: Execellent
- Intarweb: Good
- Spiritual
- Morale: Fair
- Coping: Execellent
- Self-esteem: Fair
- Teaching: Fair