Education (PPS)

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Program Basics

  • Program Name: Education Program
  • Program Description: The Education Program will enable volunteers to gain real world computer and life skills. The Education Program will also educate staff in business related functions.
  • What best describes this program? The Program is expected to do all three of these things in this order
    1. Administrative (expected to support other programs that generate income and/or meet program needs)
    2. Meets program needs (expected to cost more money than it makes)
    3. income generating (expected to make money for Free Geek)
  • Why does Free Geek need this program?
Free Geek has this program in its first step. Free Geek needs this program to help support its volunteers gain valuble skills that they can directly apply to the real world. Free Geek staff also needs to keep up there own education needs, for example forklift training.

Job Position Basics

  • Would there be a dedicated staff position associated with this program? YES
  • Position Title: Education Coordinator
  • Job Description:
The Education Coordinator will facilitate the ongoing education of Free Geek volunteers and staff. This will be done by setting up education tracks and cource outlines, with the help of teachers. The Coordinator will also set up class times and pare teachers with students.

Costs and potential costs

  • What are the expected financial staffing costs of the program? (Include all costs to the organization such as salary, payroll taxes, and benefits.)
  • What other costs are associated with the program? (Include costs of materials needed, etc.)
Most materials would be those already available: computers, printing, etc. It might necessitate more printing eventually. The classroom space would have to be usable and available.
  • If there will be a dedicated staff position, how much time would be needed for training?
    • How much time would existing staff need to put in? Reduction
    • How time would existing volunteers need to put in? Steady or increase
  • Once the program is up and running how many staff how many hours per week would it take?
    • In paid staff time? 32 hours a week
    • In volunteer time? 50 hours a week (that's a guess)
  • Outline the intangible costs for the position and program:
This program would utilise the systems and software currently running at Free Geek. System administration may be more of a concern. The space would be less available for social or flex activities and storage.
  • Are there any possible negative impacts on Free Geek's mission, and if so what?
This program/position would not make money quickly, and is unlikely to make more money than it costs.
  • How will this program affect other programs and staff positions currently in effect?
This program would relieve current staff of the task of setting up classes. It could lighten the load on tech support and provide feedback about the quality of the freekboxes and their fitness for the needs of the adopters. The connections reinforced in the class could lead to more returning volunteers. The education coordinator could help make the build program more educational.
  • How will this program affect other programs and staff positions being considered?
More education = more empowerment. The program would coordinate the further education of staff and volunteers. This would require a full-time staff person with dedicated admin/office space and time, so it might conflict with other programs that would need funding and office space.


  • Would the program generate income? YES / NO @
    • If yes, how much income would be expected once the program is up and running? $ @ / month
    • If yes, how long would it take for the program to get to that point? @
  • How does the program support the mission of Free Geek?
Education is part of the mission of Free Geek.

Measuring Success

  • How can the success of the program be measured?


  • For most income generating positions, the costs initially outweigh the benefits. If this is an income generating program, how long until it is expected to break even?


  • Outline a plan for implementing the program:
