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Revision as of 12:13, 1 January 2007 by Tonyr (talk | contribs) (Add Drivers and Constraints, and configuration comments.)
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This page will contain information about the FreeGeek process for Apple Macintosh computers, including receiving, recycling, and build as perceived and interpreted by me, Tony Rick. The process is currently (28 December 2006) being defined, so things here will be changing often. People active in the process definition are Dave <last-name?>, Loren <last-name?>, and Tony Rick.

At some point someone may decide that information here is worthy of merging into the overall Eval/Build process. Or maybe not.

There are references to the handling of Apple/Macintosh scattered all over this wiki. There should be a list of those on this page. Eventually, if and when this process is formalized, those references will need to be reworded to reflect the new policy.

What are we building: an iMac or a Linux box?

  • There seems to be some thought in the community that the rebuilt iMacs should retain an Apple Mac personality: hardware configuration should match the original label, one-button mouse, etc. I have a some of arguments against this.
    • 1. Rebuilt iMac boxes are already have a significantly different hardware configuration than is indicated on any label. Ubuntu installation requires/suggests 256MB of ram; the labels we see say 32MB, 64MB, or 128MB. Many iMacs that we see have hard drives that are 4GB or 6GB. Those are being replaced with 10-15GB drives.
    • 2. Macs that arrive may already have been upgraded with larger drives and/or more memory. The suggested practice of retaining those configurations, or trying to match label configurations, has led to the suggestion to test memory and hard drives in place. Testing in place adds several hours to the Mac Eval/Build process. It would be more efficient, and more in keeping with the existing build process, to remove all memory and hard drives, send them to Advanced Testing, and replace them from the tested memory and hard drive stacks to produce a standard store configuration.
    • 3. The Mac 'personality' is a combination of hardware, Mac OS, Mac software, and Mac UI. The installation of Linux replaces three of the four parts. With the exception of the way the box looks, the Mac personality is gone.
    • 4. The Mac OS 9 (and OS X ?) UI is tailored to a one-button mouse. The Linux/Ubuntu UI expects a two-button or three button mouse. Getting at the 2-3 button functionality of the Ubuntu UI is awkward at best with a one-button mouse.
  • My contention is that we are rebuilding the Macs to be, for the moment, Freegeek Store Linux Boxes. They should be configured as a standard low-end store box with 256MB, 10-15G HD, and a 3-button mouse. This approach aloows for a better use of the existing triage/test/build process.


  • Unused available hardware
  • Contribute to revenue stream
  • Expand HW knowledge in Programs
  • ???


  • Storage space limitation
  • Few knowledgeable volunteers
  • CRT hazard in recycle

To Do:

  • Flesh out Mac Rebuild section
  • Rework MacPile/Triage relationship (currently MacPile is Triage Entry and MacRenewal Pickup)
  • Distinguish between iMac 'bubble' boxes and Towers during Triage
  • Can/Should rejected Towers be recycled by FG?
  • Decide about mining from slot loaders (under the cutoff) destined for MacRenewal

Here is first cut at an overview


This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.

FG Keep Criteria

  • FG Mac lowend cutoff
  • Mac Triage storage available

MacRenewal Reject Criteria

  • (Lorraine's rejection list goes here)

Special Recycle

  • Requires special training to avoid CRT flyback transformer hazard
  • Carcass sent to Monitor Recycle

Mac Triage

This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.


  • Mac Triage should maintain a pool of good memory sticks (64MB will do), small hard drives, good batteries
  • Should we mine PPC cpu's? Wouldn't this require some kind of Advanced Testing support?
  • Should we mine memory and hard drive as a matter of course on good boxes?
  • Should any hard drive or memory be tested in place?

Mac Rebuild

This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.