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< User:Tonyr
Revision as of 10:54, 30 March 2007 by Tonyr (talk | contribs) (add todo item)
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I'm going to try to record my experience working with the Macs at FreeGeek. This will be mostly subjective train of thought, first impressions, immediate reactions, questions raised, lessons learned, that sort of thing. I'm learning here, so there will be a lot of wrong assumptions, paradoxes, frustrations, mistakes, changed positions, all those things that characterize a journey of enlightenment.

To Do

Various not-quite-random things that need attention

  • 17" ADC display w ATI
  • evaluate and rebuild accumulated g4's
  • Investigate Ubuntu USB sound support for PPC
  • put cube for sale w 15" flat panel (w or w/o speakers?)
  • test other displays w ATI (DISPLAY EVALUATION)
  • figure out NVIDIA once and for all: alternate consoles (CTL+ALT+F1)
  • figure out what customizations must be done after disk replication: xorg, splash_res
  • set SMART monitoring daemon on replication station
  • different xorg.conf files in replication process (nvidia, DVSE ati, generic monitor, etc)
  • oem installation images
  • update process docs/diagrams