Advanced Command Line

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Introduction and Prerequsites

This class is intended to be an extension of the Basic Linux Command Line for Builders class. It will review how to read a command and then explain the various option types. We'll then learn a few ways to interact with files and directories. You'll then learn about I/O redirection and finally some features of shells.

The instructor will expect that the students understand basic command line syntax as well as the advanced techniques of tab-completion and history usage, both of which are taught in the basic command line class. It's OK if you don't remember everything, but the more you can remember the more new stuff we'll be able to discuss.

Deconstructing a Command

Examining Files

Copying, Creating and Moving Files

Copying, Creating and Moving Directories


I/O Redirection

Course Outline

  • Deconstruct a command
    • ls -la --sort=size -r /lib/modules/2.6.18-3-686/mod*
    • multiple option types
  • Examining files
    • file
    • cat
  • copying, creating and moving files
    • touch
    • cp
    • mv
  • copying creating and moving directories
    • mkdir
    • rmdir
    • cp -r
    • mv
  • bash
    • programming language
    • environment variables
    • PATH and tab completion
    • /etc/init.d/networking
  • I/O redirection
    • ls /media /foo 1> out.txt 2> err.txt
    • '>'
    • '>>'
    • tee
  • process model
    • ps (only user's processes)
    • ps -axf (all processes)
    • xeyes
    • suspend
    • bg and fg
    • kill
    • jobs
  • Advanced Topics
    • grave accent