Radio spot

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Geeks in Vancouver are working on a radio public service announcement for Free Geek. We plan to produce this PSA at CITR and distribute it to CJSF, Coop Radio, etc. We'll try to make it generic, so it could maybe be reused by other Free Geeks.

Draft Score

"It sucks so much computer waste gets stuck in landfills or shipped to the third world," "I wish I had more skills and computers weren't so disempowering," "our charitable organization doesn't have enough computer resources..." FREE GEEK! is a volunteer non profit run by punks like you, recycling hardware, teaching skills and providing access to technology. To recycle hardware, volunteer or request a hardware grant, check out or call (604) 879-GEEK. Free Geek jingle: Helping the needy get nerdy...

Sound Samples

Shawn at Free Geek Portland made the awesome suggestion of video game music:

How 'bout some old school video game music? or, for    
some creative commons-licensed works,