Template:Training Guide for Front Desk Internship

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Training for the front desk

This is the beginning stages of creating a training manuel for the front desk.


This can be used as a checklist for orienting front desk interns. To check off a subject that has been covered just intitial it with four ~ in a row.


  • How to utilize articles under the Front Desk category.
  • Answering the phone
  • Checking the checks
  • Data Entry
  • Donation Receipt
  • Email lists
  • FAQ for phone call response
  • Free Geek FAQ
  • Front Desk
  • Handling Corporate Donations at Receiving
  • Information on how to get tech support
  • Invoicing Donors
  • Phone System Howto
  • Printing from the Front Desk
  • Processing Monetary Donations
  • Receiving Calendar
  • Regularly Scheduled Tour Guides
  • Reimbursement for mileage
  • Sick Friend Letters
  • Volunteer Cashiers Policy
  • How to edit and create wiki pages.

Beyond the wiki: the rest of these tasks will be taught hands on

This is also a checklist


  • Phone fuctions, paging and transferring calls.
  • Checking the messages:
  • Front Desk mailbox
  • General mailbox
  • Q-west mailbox

Scheduling volunteers

  • Build (explain terms such as pre-build and build workshop, self scheduling for build workshop volunteers, ect.)
  • Adoption (group scheduling, one person per line, ect.)


-Printing from Deadtrees

Cashing out and counting till

  • Pre-opening till count and paperwork

-Cashing Out and Counting Till-Sophia -E-mail, donations, some of the stranger e-mail addresses like Jeff and Nathan, what issues go to which committees. -No FAQ-no tech support, no staff schedule, the store can help you with that question, is it on pallets (no ok just bring it over), -what people are into what things, dave = clasic games, -Tell who gives tours-both of us