What's it worth?

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Recycling: It's All About the Bling Bling

The purpose of this page is to keep tabs on what our recyclers have been paying and/or charging us for different materials. Curious volunteers, community members and Free Geeks in other areas may find this information especially illuminating. We also hope to use this information to do a better job projecting our financial picture month-to-month (as it often takes several weeks after a pickup before recyclers pay us, or bill us), as part of a continuing discussion about how to make recycling an efficient source of revenue for FG. Information will be sorted by vendor, and then broken down by material type.

The per-pound prices are from those listed on recent statements from our recyclers. The per-gaylord prices are estimates Richard and I came up with based on data from those statements.

Some of the basic information presented is redundant -- that is, it appears on other pages of the recycling wiki. This is because I receive so many questions on money matters as they relate to recycling, and wanted to create a stand-alone document that would be useful to many people. That said, I'm still new to wikis, so if you have any ideas about how to improve the organization or content of the recycling wiki (I'm looking at you, Freyley), feel free to add notes to the discussion page, to the articles themselves or to e-mail me.


  • What it takes and what it's worth:
  • Wire: .?/pound;
  • Power cords: .28/pound;
  • Ribbon cable: .28/pound;
  • UPSes: .14/lb


  • What it takes and what it's worth:
  • Hard drive Controller boards $2
  • High Processor ("High grade CPU" on statement?) $30-$35/lb
  • Low Processor ("Low grade CPU" on statement): $10 -$12/lb

Total Reclaim

  • What it takes: Monitors
  • What it's worth: We pay to have them picked up.
  • What it takes: TVs
  • What it's worth: We pay to have them picked up.

Calbag Metals

From the proposal:

  • Ceramic processors: $10/pound
  • Processors (with plastic housing): $1.50/pound
  • Medium grade printed circuit boards: $.70/pound
  • Memory modules boards with cips: $1/pound
  • Motors: $.16/pound
  • Power supplies: $.16/pound
  • Hard drives: $.30//pound
  • Power cords and ribbon wire: $.20/pound
  • Insulated wire: $.50/pound
  • Printers, keyboards and scanners: $.01/pound
  • Monitors: $6 charge per monitor