Build Instructor Guide

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Buildteacher duties

Before the shift begins:

    • Check the signup sheet at the front desk to see who's expected and note how many slots are open. There are usually walk-ins and you should have some idea of how many stations are available.
    • Check the whiteboard for today's special instructions. Also check in with the staff Production Coordinator for any updates.
    • Make sure supplies are available:
      1. RAM: Replenish supplies from the Tardis.
      2. Hard drives: See what size hard drives will be needed for the build shift and get the appropriately sized wiped drives from the Tardis. Do imaging throughout the session as you get a chance, mark imaged drives with a red marker dot, place in the hard drive box for builders.
      3. Optical Drives: Check the supply of various types of optical drives and acquire the needed drives from Advanced Testing. Try to pay attention to color as well as type.

During the shift:

    • Greet people as they arrive, get their name, introduce yourself as their instructor and identify the build assistants.
      1. If a person is new to build, make sure they have already gone through Hardware Identification and System Evaluation. If not, direct them to the System Eval instructor.
      2. Persons starting their first QC should have their own Builder's Status Sheet available in the build room binders. If their sheet isn't there, it may still be in System Evaluation. If at all possible, start the first QC with a very ordinary box that is unlikely to have interesting problems. We don't want total puzzlement to be the student's first experience with build.
      3. When graduating a volunteer from QC to assembly, consider whether the builder is comfortable moving on and has the skills to start assembling. Also consider what Free Geek's needs are in terms of QC v. Assembly.
      4. Volunteers who have finished their QC's need to be orientated to the Build assembly process. Be sure to show them what to look for on the whiteboard and how to choose computers from the warehouse. Also be sure to identify the Build Checklist and where supplies are located.
      5. During the session, keep an eye out for people, especially new ones, who look lost or troubled. Help gently. Try too, to make sure that people are going through the Checklists and following proper procedure.
      6. Make sure to show builders how to problem solve instead of just fixing issues for them.
      7. Let builders know if you are leaving the buildroom and always encourage them to turn to their neighbors for help.
      8. Remember that computer knowledge does not equal intelligence. Treat everyone with respect and realize that builders will have different learning styles.
      9. Image drives throughout the shift to keep up with hard drive demand.
      10. LCD Monitors should be tested throughout your build shift if you have the time.

At the end of the shift:

    • Start cleaning up.
    • Announce when the shift is close to being over and ask builders to leave time for cleanup before the next shift arrives or before we close. It is also a good idea to remind people to log their hours on the way out.
    • If you are the Instructor for the afternoon shift, remember to turn off the printer, all power supplies and fans. Make sure that there are no lights left on any monitors or speakers (except for the server station).

Howto Checkout QCed Boxen

  • Make sure all of the slots and bays are covered and that the cards and slot covers are not loose
  • Check the box over carefully both for specs and cosmetics. Make sure that any Microsoft certification stickers and their glue gunk are removed.
  • Check if it rattles when you shake it
  • If you haven't seen it boot up fine, reboot it (some people see that it says press F2 to continue, so they do it with out ever fixing it)
    • tip - Unplug all power to the box before doing that reboot to see if it retains BIOS settings. -- MW 14:40, 27 March 2008 (PDT)

Remember to use your resources if you get stuck. There are always staff Production Coordinators assigned to every shift that you can go to for help.