Thrift Store Policy

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Revision as of 13:56, 4 May 2010 by Leah (talk | contribs) (updated return policy)
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General Conduct Guidelines

Please look herefor generally acceptable behavior at Free Geek, including our store.

Discount Policy

Free Geek offers a 20% discount on all purchases made in the Free Geek Thrift Store to current, paid workers and to volunteers who have logged at least three hours in the past 30 days. Volunteer hours must be logged in the database before the time of the purchase. Discounts cannot be combined or applied retroactively. Persons other than the volunteer may not use a volunteers number to obtain a discount. Using another persons volunteer number to obtain a discount is prohibited and will result in being prohibited from shopping at the store. Discounts granted to other organizations and their volunteers will be by coupon only.

Return Policy

  • Returns: In order to return an item, you must present your receipt at the time of return. The item must have original stickers attached, and must be returned in the same condition as originally sold. We do not offer refunds for any reason. In some circumstances, we do provide in-store credit, which is valid for a period of one year from the date of issue. We cannot provide duplicate copies of store credits; if you lose a store credit, you are out of luck.
  • As-Is: Items sold "As-Is" will be labeled as such on the sales receipt. As-Is items cannot be exchanged or returned for any reason.
  • 14-Day Exchange: Most items in the store are returnable for a period of 14 days from the date of purchase for in-store credit.
  • 30-Day Warranty on LCD Monitors: LCD monitors may be returned for a period of 30 days from the date of purchase for in-store credit.
  • 90-Day System Warranty: Systems are covered by our 90-Day System Warranty. Full text of our System Warranty is available on request in the Thrift Store, or online at: Dead Trees.

Tech Support General

We will support the complete linux systems we sell if you have not significantly modified the operating system or hardware. Trivial tech support issues are often handled at no cost. Other tech support issues cost $10 per issue. If it is determined within 30 days that the box is DOA or is failing catastrophically we will exchange it for a similar system. ONCE YOU INSTALL WINDOWS (OR ANY OTHER OPERATING SYSTEM) ON ONE OF OUR MACHINES ANY WARRANTY IS VOIDED. THIS MEANS NO EXCHANGE FOR ANOTHER SYSTEM AND NO TECH SUPPORT. If you must install windows on one of our store boxes please determine that there is nothing physically wrong with the machine before you delete our operating system-and your recourse. Please look here for the more detail on tech support policy.

Regulaciones de La Tienda De Freegeek

Polisas de Descuento

Voluntarios quienes tienen mas de 4 horas de servicio voluntario en FreeGeek durante 90 dias atras, pueden obtener un 50% de descuento en electronicos donados.

Personas que no son voluntarios, o familias de voluntarios no pueden obtener descuento de la Tienda FreeGeek.

  • Mienbros de PAWC pueden obtener el 25% de descuento.
  • Mienbros de People's Co-op pueden obtener el 25% de descuento.

Organizaciones no tienen descuentos, sin embargo, pueden aplicar para Hardware Grant en la siguiente pagina de internet (

  • Ecepciones: KBOO Community Radio podria obtener un descuento despues de tratar con la persona indicada en la Tienda de FreeGeek.

Nosotros reservamos los derechos a negar los servicios de la tienda a cualquier persona, y tambien tenemos el derecho de cancelar cualquier tipo de descuento a cualquier hora si suspechamos que el veneficiario de los descuentos esta usando el descuento para revender los productos.

Polisas De Re-Enbolso

No Regresamos Dinero en Efectivo.

  • Si nosotros le vendemos algo que no sirve, y nosotros decidimos que es nuestra culpa, nosotros de daremos otra cosa a cambio o equivalente al mismo credito que a sido regresado a la tieda.

Usted debera contar con su recibo, y devera regresar el producto antes de 7 dias.

  • Usted tiene una semana para decidir si su producto le funciona, o tiene una semana para regresarlo.

Nosotros no garantizamos que los productos que vendemos sirvan exactamente para sus usos deceados. Usted es responsable para elejir sus productos y para que los necesita.

  • Nosotros podemos ayudar en lo que solo podemos ayudar para que usted pueda conseguir el producto adecuado, pero es resposabilidad del comprador al decidir por que obtar al comprar.
  • Si usted por error compro lo que no deceaba, pero es un objeto muy comum y con un precio similar, estamos despuestos a cambiarle aun no siempre es posible hacer este tipo de cambios.

Sin examinar, a como es, no regresos de efectivo.

  • Si algun aparato esta marcado SIN EXAMINAR, A COMO ES, eso es precio final del producto.
  • Nosotros vendemos esos productos de esta manera por que no tenemos una forma para examinar el producto.
  • El precio reflejara el estado del producto, no sabemos si este funciona, es por que no queremos saber de este, es barato, y no queremos ver ese producto otra vez.


Polisas Sobre Productos Especificos. Systems

Nosotros apoyamos completamente el Sistema Operativo LINUX que vendemos. Si usted no modifica este sistema, usted tiene la posibilidad de tener respaldo gratis a nuestro soporte technico. Si el sistema que le vendamos por alguna razon tiene defectos o asi lo determina la persona indicada en nuestra tienda, nosotros le cambiaremos por otro sistema con precio y cualidad similar. Usted tambien puede obtener soporte technico al comprar un boleto en la Tienda de FreeGeek.

UNA VEZ USTED INSTALA EL SISTEMA DE WINDOWS EN NUESTROS SISTEMAS, TODA LA GARANTIA ES TERMINADA. Si usted quisiera instalar WINDOWS, asegurese que todo este bien, pues una ves usted borra el sitema LINUX, usted no podra tener soporte technico.


We will exchange for an equivalent printer within one week of purchase. If we are unsure of the cause of the problem, i.e. our machine or your drivers, we may retest the printer in question with our test protocols.


Exchange without question within one week of purchase with receipt.

Motherboards and Cards

At the discretion of the coordinators. $10 or under and we have it in stock-straight exchange without question, the first time. If it's a higher end board, or you bring us back several in a row with the same problem, we may retest it in order to determine if the board was faulty when we sent it out or has been abused through ignorance or negligence.

Holds Policy

Sorry, but no. We don't take partial payment for anything. We take cash, and now Mastercard and Visa. The only exception to this rule is if someone needs to go to the bank to get cash, or if they are driving over *right now* to get the product. In both cases, a note must be placed on the item indicating who is coming for the item and a time after which it is for sale to anyone.