Compensation notes

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Compensation plans

  • 11.55/hr
  • no vacation
  • no health coverage
  • no retirement
  • 12.55/hr
  • 1 week vacation/yr
  • health coverage
  • no retirement
  • 13.55/hr salary with max headroom, $1084 per two week period standard
  • 3.6 weeks vacation/yr
  • health coverage
  • retirement plan

Staffing expenses March 2010 (from the books)

Gross Pay, Collective	$29,217.51 
Gross Pay, Committed	$10,829.23 
Gross Pay, Other	$11,479.12 
Health Care	         $6,810.17 
Payroll Accounting     	   $372.45 
Medicare	           $743.54 
OR ER Work Ben	            $54.00 
OR SUI	                 $1,128.09 
Social Security	         $3,179.12 
Retirement, employer 	   $711.30 
Workers Compensation	   $335.92
TOTAL	                $64,860.45 

Typical staffing expenses per month for one person (calculated)

pay/hr	                    $13.55 			
hours/wk	                40 			
wk/period	                 2 			
gross/pay period	 $1,084.00 			
pay/month	         $2,348.67 			
health care/mo	           $355.45 			
dental	                    $42.25 			
retirement	            $75.16 			
tax portion	           $107.33 			
total exc w/c	         $2,928.85 			
pay/hr	                    $12.55 			
hours/wk	                32 			
wk/period	                 2 			
gross/pay period	   $803.20 			
pay/month	         $1,740.27 			
health care/mo	           $355.45 			
dental	                    $42.25 			
tax portion	            $79.53 			
total exc w/c	         $2,217.49 			
Nother or apprentice				
pay/hr	                    $11.55 			
hours/wk	                24 			
wk/period	                 2 			
gross/pay period	   $554.40 			
pay/month	         $1,201.20 			
health care/mo				
tax portion	            $54.89 			
total exc w/c	         $1,256.09 			


  • Based on march 2010, raising all the committeds to $13.55/hr would add $862.89 to the monthly Gross pay. This would also raise the various tax categories by a small amount.
  • Giving the committeds retirement benefits would add $346.54 to the monthly staffing expenses.

Free Geek Net Profit 2010 January $24,921.77 February $26,774.21 March $20,567.87 April books are not closed yet.