Talk:Advanced Testing Coordinator

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Revision as of 10:26, 11 August 2010 by Elizabeth (talk | contribs) (added draft job description that better reflects elizabeth's (my) work)
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Advanced Testing Coordinator

Job Description

The Advanced Testing Coordinator is a multifaceted position here at Free Geek requiring high levels of multitasking and problem solving. It combines the skills of volunteer management and program coordination with developing testing procedures for the purpose of reuse of used technology. Advanced Testing is a Post-Build Program designed to give volunteers hands-on education to become familiar with various technology while testing equipment that will go back into the reuse stream. The main focus of the Advanced Testing is to provide quality tested gizmos to other production areas, to use for organizational infrastructure, and to sell in the Thrift Store and Online Sales in order to provide organizational revenue necessary to help Free Geek reach it's mission.

The Advanced Testing Coordinator is responsible for integrating the Advanced Testing into both the production flow as well as the entire organization. The Advanced Testing Coordinator will train Advanced Testing volunteers to follow testing procedures, provide feedback to improve systems, and eventually become trainers themselves. She/He will also interview volunteer interns with specific skill-sets to maintain or improve area testing, and occasional focused projects in Advanced Testing. The Advanced Testing Coordinator will work with the Production Committee to ensure other reuse programs are operating smoothly, and support other production areas including working floor shifts.


  • Interview, orient, train and coordinate volunteers and volunteer interns during floor shifts in Advanced Testing.
  • Work with other instructors and volunteers to refine Advanced Testing and other production area procedures.
  • Keep Advanced Testing orderly and stocked with supplies.
  • Ensure a steady supply of tested gizmos to the Store, Online Sales, Grants, Build and Infrastructure.
  • Be an active member of the Production Committee and other committees related to Advanced Testing.
  • Track tested devises going to the store and to online sales.
  • Prioritize testing according to needs of other production areas and sales.
  • Work with instructors and volunteers to keep testing documentation up to date and easy to follow.
  • Communicate with other instructors to maintain or improve infrastructure in Advanced Testing.
  • Maintaining Advanced Testing volunteer shifts schedule, making sure that Advanced Testing shifts are adequately staffed by volunteers.
  • Provide avenues/opportunities for Advanced Testing volunteers beyond testing gizmos.
  • Participate in comprehensive planning for program changes that affect Advanced Testing and other production areas.

This position is currently held by Elizabeth Swager. She also works shifts in Laptops and Online sales, and works on Spanish Build, a pilot project.

Required skills:

  • Experience managing volunteers
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Friendly, outgoing personality
  • Enjoys working with people
  • Enjoys the learning process
  • Aptitude for learning technical skills
  • Well versed in troubleshooting techniques
  • Self-motivated
  • Patient and courteous with the public
  • Detail oriented, but able to see (and understand) the big picture
  • Good organizational skills
  • Ability to remain professional in an informal, friendly environment with a diverse staff
  • Work well under stress in an unusual setting, maintaining a positive attitude even in the face of adversity
  • Ability to work and communicate well in a collectively-run organization
  • Ability to work in a consensus decision making process related to staff and policy issues
  • Not afraid to ask questions, but able to work on projects almost entirely without supervision
  • Ability to remain flexible as Free Geek grows and changes
  • Must be available all day Saturdays
  • Desired skills:
  • Some experience with computer hardware
  • Multi-lingual