Groups to be represented on the board

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SKILLS, CLIENTS and INTERESTS to be represented on the board. Current list was developed by the ASG committee for the 2011 governance proposal; it may be modified by the board as needs become clear. Each of these seats will have a "job description", developed by the board recruitment committee and ratified by the board. The board will prioritize these lists, and the recruitment committee will attempt to recruit equally from these categories, in order of the board's priorities. (italics proposed wording, to be discussed at board meeting 5/18/2011)


This has been the focus of board recruitment efforts to date, and is an important category to increase the professionalism, efficiency, and capacity of the board.

  • Legal
  • Financial
  • Fund raising
  • Facilitation
  • HR/Employment
  • Outreach/community relations


This category is an inside/outside category and recognizes a distinction not often made at Free Geek; a functional gap between people who come to FG as service-recipients versus those who are/become "core" volunteers. An example of someone who might be recruited to represent adoption volunteers might be one of the people (often from other organizations) who shepherds groups of volunteers through our program. This example also illustrates the way that multiple categories might be filled by one person, as this same person might also be said to represent the "third sector" or "social empowerment" from Interests.

  • Volunteers (adoption and beginner build)
  • Grant recipients
  • Students (in Free Geek educational programs and classes; not a large category now but expected to grow)
  • Donors
  • Store customers


The people in these seats should have "job descriptions" that help define the way that they will represent their interest.

  • Environmental
  • Free/Open Source Software
  • Third sector (other nonprofits)
  • Education
  • Community organizing
  • Social empowerment