Where to post jobs

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Revision as of 17:11, 16 July 2011 by Laurel (talk | contribs) (removed general HR category)
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Before Posting, read this!

  • To avoid problems, whoever posts should try to follow all the links in their post, empty their brain, and read the instructions in the post, and then try to follow them, just to test everything.
  • Additionally, get a second person to review your work before posting.

Post Job on the Website FIRST

Internal to Free Geek

  • Relevant FG mailing lists (core, council, social, regulars)
  • Hard copy posted in the Front Desk area

Resources for Nonprofit Organizations

Like Minded Organizations

  • KBOO
    • contact: Toni Tabora-Roberts, PR & Outreach Coordinator
    • send email to <outreach AT kboo DOT org> asking for them to distribute job info

Local colleges

login info in fgstaff and on the Secure Wiki
  • University of Portland
  • University of Oregon Post Jobs
  • PSU Post Jobs
    • now costs $$$
  • Reed Post Jobs
  • Lewis & Clark careers(a)lclark.edu Employer's Page (part time jobs can be posted online, fulltime jobs must be sent by email)

Specifically for Non-Profit Apprentices

  • PSU
"If you have any internships available we can post the descriptions to our website and/or student group digest. Let us know."
Melissa Lindsey <mell at pdx dot edu>
Community Development Student Group, Event Coordinator
  • PCC

"Need interns or employees with recent computer technology skills & education? PCC Computer Technology Division can assist you in recruitment:

  • Administrative Assistants
  • Web Technology Designers/Developers
  • Programmers
  • Database Developers
  • Network Support & Administration
  • Technical & End User Support
  • Myriad of other Computer Technology Areas

Write up a short job description with skills desired, job environment particulars & how you want person to apply AND send to <gcolemanm AT pcc DOT edu> for distribution to 300+ students & graduates seeking resume building and employment opportunities."

Contact: Gary Coleman, Cooperative Education & Student Employment Specialist, <gcoleman AT pcc DOT edu>, 503-977-4558

Other places we have posted

We haven't done these in a while, but we might want to again someday:

  • Idealist.org (costs $60)
  • Bikeportland.org - this costs money! $25 for 30 days
  • PAWC (Portland Alliance of Worker Collectives)
    • Must be on mailing list, then send email to pawc (a) lists.riseup (dot) net
  • PLUG (Portland Linux/Unix Group)
    • Must be on mailing list, then send email to plug-jobs (a) pdxlinux.lists (dot)org
    • Michael is on the plug-jobs list
  • IWW mailing list
    • Michael & Richard are on the wobs list