Thrift Store

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We're open Tuesday through Saturday, 11 to 7, just like the rest of Free Geek. We've got all sorts of stuff.

Equipment for Sale

We generally have these items in stock every day:

  • SVGA Monitors: 14 in., 17 in., some larger sizes
  • Keyboards: PS/2 and AT
  • Mice: 2 and 3 button PS/2
  • Sound Cards: ISA and PCI Sound Blaster compatible, often with drivers
  • NICs: 10baseT and 100baseT
  • Network Hubs: 10baseT
  • Tested CD ROM drives: 10x and above
  • Tested Floppy Drives: 3.5 in. (we could get you a 5.25 in. if you wanted)
  • Tested Printers: Color Inkjet and Laser printers (all refurbished)
  • Printer Cables
  • Laptop Computer Bags
  • FREE GEEK T-Shirts in two styles in S,M, L, XL. Women's sizes, too!

We often, but not always, have these items, too:

  • Routers
  • 100baseT Hubs
  • DSL modems
  • PIII and faster processors, at times attached to a motherboard
  • CD-RW and DVD drives
  • USB mice and keyboards


Volunteers who have recorded at least 4 hours in the past 90 days get a 50% discount. Ya.

Organizations don't get discounts, but may apply for a hardware grant by going to our grants web page.

  • Exception: KBOO Community Radio gets a discount in the store(???)
  • Another exception: Card-carrying PAWC members get 25% discount.
