Collective-board liaison

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Revision as of 14:37, 12 October 2011 by Ideath (talk | contribs) (getting the raw stuff down, to be crafted into a proposal.)
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This is a draft of a new or in-progress document, and is likely to have a few people specifically working on it. You may wish to check in on the discussion page to see what the purpose of the document is and who's working on it; then feel free to give this article love and attention if have extra of those things.

  • Attend Board Meetings
  • Prepare report for Board Meeting detailing
    • Major Issues e.g. hiring/firing/discipline
    • Any issues staff wish to raise
    • Financial info and other info as requested by board
  • Track board requests for info
  • Bring quarterly budget to board
  • Communicates collective concerns and ideas to board
    • concerning the collective and its members
    • dealing with the organization as a whole
  • Help board members to communicate with the collective, and vice versa, and help board members figure out who to talk to for research.
  • Pass on requests for board designees as a result of discipline or grievance procedures, liaise with the appointed designee and communicate their decisions.

Other Issues:

  • should have scheduled, paid hours to attend the board and prepare report etc (how many?)

About this document

This is under development to become a proposal to the BoD at the October 2011 meeting. Paul Munday and Laurel1.0 are the primary authors.