Install flashplayer
First try theses steps Multimedia_and_DVDs_in_Ubuntu. This should work on all 10.04 and higher boxes.
This page is about installing Adobe Flashplayer by force on out-of-date machines.
You may also be looking for a useful program called Adobe Flash Player Projector, a standalone player that supports the current version of Flash unlike open-source standalone swf/flv players. Visit this download page and download the Linux .tar.gz, which contains a precompiled binary (for x86). Simply extract the file and double click it.
Method 1 - Hardy Heron (Ubuntu 8.04)
Note : These instructions are out of date. Adobe Flash is supported via the Software Center or find alternate instructions here. Rhean 18:02, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
Adobe now provides a deb file to install flash.
- Browse to
- Click on "Get Adobe Flashplayer"
- Click on "Select version to download"
- Select ".deb for Ubuntu 8.04+"
- Click "Agree and install now"
- Make sure "Open with GDebi Package Installer" is selected and click "OK". The file will download and the Package Installer will open.
- When the Package installer opens, Click "Install Package". It will automatically install Flash.
- Completely close Firefox and the open it again before using Flash
- Go to Youtube or another flash-heavy site to test it.
If Hulu Reports: "Express Install Not Supported"
To fix this you need to completely purge the old Flash 9 installation
- At the command line, enter sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree
- That will completely remove Flash 9 from the buffer.
- Follow the instructions above to install Flash 10.
- To make sure Flash 10 is installed, goto about:plugins in the Firefox address bar, and make sure "Shockwave Flash" is at version 10.0 r42
If Firefox still uses flash 9 after installing flash 10 or if flash breaks after removing 9
sudo update-alternatives --auto firefox-flashplugin ; sudo update-alternatives --auto mozilla-flashplugin ; sudo update-alternatives --auto iceweasel-flashplugin ; sudo update-alternatives --auto midbrowser-flashplugin ; sudo update-alternatives --auto xulrunner-addons-flashplugin ; sudo update-alternatives --auto xulrunner-flashplugin
Method 2 - download the tar.gz file
- Select "Linux" as the OS and "Flash Player 11 for Other Linux (.tar.gz) 32bit".
- Save to disk. In Ubuntu, this will be /home/<your user name>/Desktop. Other systems may download to /home/<your user name> by default.
- Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t)
"cd Desktop"
- Type
tar -xvzf ins
and then hit the tab key. The line then should look something like "tar -xvzf install_flash_player_11_linux.tar.gz".
- Hit enter. This should result in a series of filenames being typed on the screen as the package is extracted.
- Enter
cd install_flash_player_11_linux
- Enter
sudo ./flashplayer-installer
- Follow the prompts. When it asks what browser to install it for, select m or a
- For the root install, the path for firefox on Ubuntu Dapper is /usr/lib/firefox
- The path on Ubuntu Hardy is /usr/lib/firefox-3.0
- You should now have flash installed on your freekbox. Open a browser and go to Youtube to test it.