Burning data to multiple discs using Discspan

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Revision as of 13:50, 9 February 2012 by Paulm (talk | contribs)
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Discspan is a tool used to data over multiple discs. It is safer to have it create iso's rather than have it burn discs directly. It will choke on file names that have characters that are not allowed in iso file systems such as =. Unfortunately windows will allow these in file names. Often these are cache files that can be safely deleted but you will also see them used as files names for mp3 etc. You will need to correct these by hand.

Discpan needs a DVD inserted to burn iso's it needs to figure out how much data it can fit on a disk. Large files will sometimes cause problems so you tell it not to use all of the disk capacity using the size factor option.

Run it like this

discspan.py  --dir=[directory to backup] --iso-dir=[(var/tsbackup/iso/)dirname-iso --size-factor=0.9

Afterwards you can burn them to disk using Brasero or k3b etc. (You can launch these remotely by logging in with ssh -XC and typing brasero etc on the command line.