Tech Support Volunteer Agreement

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Free Geek Tech Support Intern Agreement

Welcome to Free Geek! We're glad to have you here, and we hope your time with us is enjoyable and educational. Your internship here does have some standards and requirements; please review the following and sign at the bottom.

  • Scheduling: Tech Support shifts are 4 hours long, with a morning shift running from 10:15am to 2:15pm and an afternoon shift from 2:00pm to 6:00pm. Please plan on being present for the full duration of your scheduled shifts. We typically limit an individual intern to 2 shifts per week, though additional shifts may be added to meet required hours for work or academic programs.
  • Attendance: Please notify the designated Tech Support staff member as soon as you know you will be absent from one of your scheduled shifts. You may also email the Tech Support mailing list at Absences not reported the week before (or in an otherwise timely manner with consideration for the nature of the absence) will be considered unplanned; repeated unplanned absences may lead to dismissal.
  • Hours: Please check in at the Volunteer Desk as soon as you arrive, and check out at the end of the day to ensure your hours are logged. This ensures your attendance is documented, and gets you credit towards a free computer!
  • Documentation (Yours): If any paperwork is required by a program that this internship is a part of please bring it in as soon as possible to allow sufficient time for any assessments or other documentation to be completed.
  • Documentation (Ours): Please document any work you do on a system in the relevant RT ticket. You really can't document too much; every detail may help with a long and tricky problem. Even if all you do is take a system off the shelf, plug it in, power it on, then realize you're out of time and put it back, document it!
  • Conduct:
    • Treat the Users and your fellow interns with courtesy and respect.
    • Use professional language when interacting with Users.
  • Discipline: Free Geek staff may at any time give warnings or dismiss you from your internship for violations of the above agreement.