Enterprise Build (PPS)

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Revision as of 00:53, 10 December 2005 by Nathanb (talk | contribs)
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Program Basics

  • Program Name: Enterprise Build
  • Program Description: This program is designed to give a path for volunteers who have finished the build program and have an interest in learning enterprise class hardware. To include a working knowledge of Networking and systems engineering. This would also prepare them for network plus certification. The Teaching would be peer based with class assignments focused on working as a team collectively.


  • What best describes this program? Income Generating
    1. Primarily income generating (expected to make money for Free Geek)
    2. Primarily meets program needs (expected to cost more money than it makes)
    3. Administrative (expected to support other programs that generate income and/or meet program needs)
  • Why does Free Geek need this program?

Currently there are no programs to deal with Servers and high end network equipment. There are needs for infrastructure to utilze a portion of this equipment. To create maximum resale value for sale online, or in the store, the equipment must be working and tested. If we would grant the hardware the same is also necessary.

Job Position Basics

  • Would there be a dedicated staff position associated with this program? YES, eventually
  • Position Title: Captain of the Enterprise
  • Job Description:


Costs and potential costs

  • What are the expected financial staffing costs of the program? (Include all costs to the organization such as salary, payroll taxes, and benefits.)


  • What other costs are associated with the program? (Include costs of materials needed, etc.)


  • If there will be a dedicated staff position, how much time would be needed for training?
    • How much time would existing staff need to put in? _____________ hours @
    • How time would existing volunteers need to put in? _____________ hours @
  • Once the program is up and running how many staff how many hours per week would it take?
    • In paid staff time? _____________ hours/week @
    • In volunteer time? _____________ hours/week @
  • Outline the intangible costs for the position and program:


  • Are there any possible negative impacts on Free Geek's mission, and if so what?


  • How will this program affect other programs and staff positions currently in effect?


  • How will this program affect other programs and staff positions being considered?



  • Would the program generate income? YES / NO @
    • If yes, how much income would be expected once the program is up and running? $ @ / month
    • If yes, how long would it take for the program to get to that point? @
  • How does the program support the mission of Free Geek?


Measuring Success

  • How can the success of the program be measured?


  • For most income generating positions, the costs initially outweigh the benefits. If this is an income generating program, how long until it is expected to break even?


  • Outline a plan for implementing the program:
