Monitored by Outreach

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Revision as of 14:48, 12 December 2005 by Halfasspete (talk | contribs)
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As of 12/05, this page merely contains Pete's brainstorms.

Free Geek interacts with the public in many ways, and it's important to have the message more or less coordinated. The Outreach committee should(?) be involved in the following things:

  • communications with the press (both editorial and advertising)
  • grant writing and other high-level fundraising
  • mailings: broad fundraising, solicitation for hardware donations, volunteers
  • the web site (including, maybe to a lesser degree, the wiki, mailing lists...)
  • outgoing phone message (answering machine)
  • email newsletter (main audience is volunteers?)
  • brochure
  • signage in front office, store, receiving
  • adopters' manual