Successful Grants

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Ohrstrom Foundation

Status: Awarded May 2011
Amount Requested: $10,000
Amount Rewarded: $10,000
To be used for the classroom renovation

Grant Application
Classroom renovation budget

Truck Grant Proposal

Status: Awarded 2007

Collins Foundation

Status: Awarded August 2004
Amount Requested: $49,000
Amount Awarded: $35,000

Collins Foundation Final Report

Juan Young Trust

Status: Awarded ????
Amount Requested: $?????
Amount Awarded: $?????

Collins Foundation Final Report

Flora Family Foundation

Status: Awarded August 2004
Amount Req: $10,000
Amount Awarded: $10,000

Flora Family Foundation Final Report

Meyer Memorial Trust

Status: Awarded August 2003
Amount Requested: $235,000
Amount Awarded: $159,000 (in two parts, $120K initially, and $39K in matching funds)
Purpose: Expansion of warehouse/classroom space and storage capacity, programs expansion (Collab project/Computers for Kids).

Meyer Memorial Trust Final Report

Oregon DEQ 2002

Status: Awarded January 2003
Amount Awarded: $20,000
Purpose: Expansion of warehouse/classroom space and storage capacity.
info from Business Journal article [1]

Kelley Family Foundation

Status: Awarded Feb. 2002
Amount Requested: $7,500
Amount Awarded: $7,500
Purpose: General Fund

Samual S. Johnson Foundation

Status: Awarded Sep. 2001
Amount Requested: $4,500
Amount Awarded: $4,500
Purpose: Education Program

Oregon DEQ 2000

Status: Awarded Feb. 2001 (actual payment of $$$ - Aug. 2001)
Amount Requested: $42,070
Amount Awarded: $42,070
Purpose: General Fund